
Flutter Stepper

Primary LanguageDart

Flutter Stepper

A flutter package to create easily customizable Horizontal and Vertical stepper.

Getting started

In the dependencies: section of your pubspec.yaml, add the following line:

another_stepper: <latest_version>

Import the following in your working dart file:

import 'package:another_stepper/another_stepper.dart';

Example AnotherStepper

Dummy StepperData

List<StepperData> stepperData = [
   title: StepperText(
     "Order Placed",
     textStyle: const TextStyle(
       color: Colors.grey,
   subtitle: StepperText("Your order has been placed"),
   iconWidget: Container(
     padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8),
     decoration: const BoxDecoration(
         color: Colors.green,
         borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(30))),
     child: const Icon(Icons.looks_one, color: Colors.white),
   title: StepperText("Preparing"),
   subtitle: StepperText("Your order is being prepared"),
   iconWidget: Container(
     padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8),
     decoration: const BoxDecoration(
         color: Colors.green,
         borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(30))),
     child: const Icon(Icons.looks_two, color: Colors.white),
   title: StepperText("On the way"),
   subtitle: StepperText(
       "Our delivery executive is on the way to deliver your item"),
   iconWidget: Container(
     padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8),
     decoration: const BoxDecoration(
         color: Colors.green,
         borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(30))),
     child: const Icon(Icons.looks_3, color: Colors.white),
 title: StepperText("Delivered",
     textStyle: const TextStyle(
       color: Colors.grey,

Dummy StepperText

     textStyle: const TextStyle(
       color: Colors.grey)),


stepperList: stepperData,
stepperDirection: Axis.horizontal,
iconWidth: 40, // Height that will be applied to all the stepper icons
iconHeight: 40, // Width that will be applied to all the stepper icons


stepperList: stepperData,
stepperDirection: Axis.vertical,
iconWidth: 40, // Height that will be applied to all the stepper icons
iconHeight: 40, // Width that will be applied to all the stepper icons