A Python API for the GNU Privacy Guard (GnuPG). Encrypt, decrypt, sign and verify your data using Python! N.B. This repository has been migrated from Mercurial on 2019-11-16, so references to commits before this date will refer to the Mercurial source and not this Git repository. The migration is marked by a commit that adds a .gitignore file.
- alexcoder04Europe
- An-n-yaChina
- AppServiceProviderDhaka, Bangladesh
- aslanchek@hadal-project https://hadal.tech
- austinjp
- BethFleming
- BobDennyDC-3 Dreams, SP
- clampcorderAuckland, New Zealand
- dboissinMontpellier
- e3rd@CZ-NIC
- fedelemantuano@blackberry
- frankfanslcFatpipe Networks
- ftpmorphLDN
- fuhrysteveTPA Stream
- hamaritucChemnitz University of Technology
- hfern@carium-inc
- initdcUTC +8:00
- iouae
- iyangwen
- lilatomicMcGill Science Computer TaskForce
- MakerRain
- MarkMichon1Naperville, IL
- metov
- mmdbalkhi@Bssfoundation
- monroy95None
- niggemannmjRetired
- oxr463Infinite Omicron, LLC.
- pfrayerOVHcloud
- rc-chuah@RaynerSec
- skymoore@PolySignInc
- SomwareHRSomwareHR
- StevenMontyPittsburgh, PA
- thesamesam@gentoo
- urbanchef
- wasdeeCodustry (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
- zcq100Chongqing,China