Telegram Report Bot

This bot accumulates statistics on members activity and gives a vote power to those who seem to be adequate. Admins have the power to ban any normal members.

Active members can use their vote power to report messages. If enough members consider a message harmful then the bot will kick the author of that message out of the group and delete the message.


  • /report - Used with reply on suspicious messages. Available to all members. Starts a vote poll. The ban is performed if number of votes reaches chat's limit;

Admin commands:

  • /setReportVoteLimit <integer> - Sets new vote number limit for current chat;
  • /setMinutesToGainVotePower <integer> - Sets new time period for giving vote power. Member will not obtain a vote power if a time period since their first message is less than specified;
  • /setMessagesToGainVotePower <integer> - Sets new lower bound for giving vote power. Member will not obtain a vote power until they communicate enough in the chat.


Clone and run

$ gradlew build installDist

to build and install. Executables are located in the build/install/telegram-report-bot/bin subdirectory. Run

$ ./telegram-report-bot --help

to get further information. Supports SOCKS5 proxy.