
Make Firefox look like MS Edge on Windows 10

Primary LanguageCSS

Make Firefox look like Edge

Like the clean, integrated look of MS Edge, but prefer everything else about Firefox? Good news, it only takes a few steps to customize the look of Firefox.

  1. Open firefox, go to Customize, and change the theme to "Light".

  2. In firefox, enter the URL about:support. Scroll down to "Profile Folder" and click "open folder".

  3. In that folder, create a new folder called "chrome". Then copy the userChrome.css from this repo into that folder. If you already have a userChrome.css file, you might want to copy it or back it up before replacing it.

  4. Close and re-open Firefox.


  • Optimize userChrome.css rules to only apply when light theme is selected.
  • Add support for dak theme.