
Pure Python equivalents to 3rd-party pip packages, using only the standard library.

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Pure Python Equivalents

This project exists to show code snippets and examples for how to replace common 3rd-party packages with "pure" Python code using only the standard library. This in no way is meant to speak ill of any packages listed here - it is to provide learning and reference for common Python idioms.

This project is inspired by You might not need jQuery which I've found to be a great resource for re-learning JavaScript.


Contributions are welcome! This is intended to be a collaborative effort, and will hopefully become a rich resource of code snippets.

To contribute, create three files in the examples/ directory:

  • name.md - where the first line of the file is the title. Provide a link to the packages on PyPI and reference info, links, instruction, etc. here. To maintain consistency, please follow the format used by other examples as so:
    Package Name
    Level 2 heading
    * Bullet 1
    * Bullet 2
  • name.before.py - the "before" code using the 3rd-party package.
  • name.after.py - the "after" code using only built-in Python functionality.

As this is a reference site, please follow these coding guidelines to make the examples as digestible as possible:

  • Include docstrings on each class and function.
  • Use comments liberally to annotate even basic concepts.
  • Keep line lengths around 40-60 characters so that both snippets easily fit side-by-side.
  • Run your code through flake8 or pylint before committing to ensure it adheres to PEP-8 style and does not contain errors.

Environment Setup

First create a virtual environment:

$ python -m venv ~/env/purepython

Activate the environment:


$ source ~/env/purepython/bin/activate

Windows (PowerShell)

PS> ~\env\purepython\Scripts\Activate.ps1

Install the requirements:

(purepython)$ pip install -r requirements.txt


To build the static index page:

(purepython)$ python render.py