
Primary LanguageRuby



This project will use CSV data of futbol teams to create a collection of stats used to compare teams by their game stats and season stats.


Google Slides

Built With

  • Ruby 2.7.2
  • RSpec 3.12

Getting Started

  1. Fork the Repo
  2. Clone


  1. Open the futbol directory
  2. Run RSpec from your terminal

Challenges and Wins


  • Working in different time zones
  • Async work - we struggled in our async style to keep our pulse even across all members
  • Each member of the group coming in with a different level of comfortability with CSVs and technical knowledge.
  • Coding "blind" because we had forgotten about the SpecHarness

To help us overcome the challenges listed above, we really focused on transparent communication in our standups and our slack channel. We still ended our project with uneven commits.


  • We've worked on a LOT of our learning goals both individually and as a group
  • We learned how to run a retro
  • We collaborated on a Miro Board that helped guide our project
  • We were able to pivot once we got the SpecHarness installed.


Nicholas Spencer

Victor A Sanchez

Ethan Van Gorkom

Noelle Hemphill

Our plan for check-ins

  1. Daily checkins during assigned work times before we get started with async work for the day
  2. Slack updates when starting async work and when finishing work with a notification of PR

Project Organization and workflow

  1. Project Management Miro Board
  2. Project Management GitHub Projects Board
  3. We async came up with our own ideas of how the project would look and then came together to compare notes and decide how we wanted to build things out together. Then we used the Miro Board to help assign people to classes.

Different project management tools we explored and what we chose

As a team, we discussed different project managment tools such as Miro, Trello, GitHub Projects and JIRA, but landed on using Miro and GitHub Projects in tandem. We liked the use of Miro as a visual diagram of where we wanted the project to go and who was in charge of that general function of the project. Then we used GitHub Projects to get a list going with some more specific tasks relevant to the project flow we laid out on the Miro board!

Our approach to the code design

We started off with drafting out the connection between classes and class methods, looked for where we could use a parent class and utilize inheritance as well as map out the the CSVs to the class and methods. We collectively decided to all start on our spec files for each class to get an understanding of what we were building toward together.


  1. Fellowship of the Cone DTR

Retro > Sailboat Format

  • Tools we used:

  • Top 3 things that went well during our project

    • We took the time to communicate as clearly as possible
    • Education/Help where it was needed. When someone had code that the needed another set of eyes on it, everyone was willing to step in to look.
    • We all shared a drive to get our project done with working code.
  • Top 3 things your team would do differently next time

    • Make sure we all took the time to thouroughly read through our iteration. This is where we missed the SpecHarness.
    • Work more mindfully in async and paired programming. We really struggled with keeping our lines and commits at an even level throughout the project. As we had a mix of people who commit more often and people who commit less often.
    • Take time to go over the main concept of the project together, for this instance, CSVs and CSV parsing. This would help us to work more mindfully on this together.