This is very normal command line minecraft game.
- install jvm(11+)
- clone this repo
# get sdk(Java11+) somehow.
$ sdk use java 11.0.9-amzn
# clone this repo
$ git clone
$ ./gradlew shadowJar
$ java -jar build/libs/cmdline_mine_sweeper-1.0-SNAPSHOT-all.jar
# To see helps
$ java -jar build/libs/cmdline_mine_sweeper-1.0-SNAPSHOT-all.jar --help
> help
# Help
## how to win
- when you "flag" all the cells that have mine, you win.
- if you "open" any cell that has mine before you win, the cell explodes and you lose.
## what you can do
You can choose one command to run from below every turn.
- open, open posX posY
- open a cell which has not opened yet. If the cell has a mine in it, it will explode and the game will end as faied
- when you don't specify position of the cell to open, you will be asked in the subsequent prompt
- flag, flag posX posY
- flag/un-flag a cell which has not opened yet.
- when you don't specify position of the cell to open, you will be asked in the subsequent prompt
- showMap
- show current map
- giveUp
- exit the game
- help
- show this help