RegexGazetter Plugin for the [GATE] ( toolkit

This gazetteer is a modified version of GATE's Default Gazetteer that finds regular expressions in the text of a document in addition to literal strings.


  • GATE 8.x
  • JDK 8


Initialization Parameters:

  • same as in ANNIE Gazetteer, except for 'caseSensitive' that has been removed.

Runtime Parameters:

  • addEntryFeature: Whether or not the matched gazetteer entry should be added as a feature (name 'gazEntry') to the Lookup annotation. Default value: true.
  • addStringFeature: Whether or not the matched text should be added as a feature (name 'string') to the Lookup annotation. Default value: true.
  • longestMatchOnly: cf. parameter longestMatchOnly in ANNIE Gazetteer. Default value: true.


All the classes in this project are either a copy or a modified version of the classes in "gate.creole.gazetteer" package.