
A Discord bot made with AsyncPRAW to fetch images from reddit and post it on your discord server

Primary LanguagePython


A Discord bot made with AsyncPRAW to fetch images from reddit and post it on your discord server


AsyncPRAW, os, Asyncio, wget, mimetypes, discord.py, requests, gc, dotenv, pandas

Make .env File



CHANNEL = "Value"

REDDIT_ID = "Value" your Reddit App ID

REDDIT_SECRET = "Value" your Reddit App Secret

SUBREDDIT="subreddit1+subreddit2+....+subredditn" Creating Multreddit instead of subreddit

subreddit1 = name of subreddit ex. ( from r/all we put all) subreddit2 = name of subreddit ex. ( from r/help we put help) . . . subredditn


python3 imager.py


Fetches the links in the posts.

checks if the link in the post is Image, HTML or any other.

downloads if image.

checks image size (discord upload limit is 8MB).

if smaller than 8Mb posts on discord channel.

delete the image.

To Do List (Will be updated as soon as I get more Ideas)

Multiple subbreddit addition through discord directly.

Multiple channel addition through discord directly.

Discord Admin only access.

Integrate Sauce Nao API.