
The primary purpose of an assessment is to check your knowledge and understanding of the key learning objectives of the course you have just completed. Most importantly, assessments help you establish which topics you have mastered and which require further focus before completing the course. Ultimately, the assessment is designed to help you make sure that you can apply what you have learned. This assessment's learning objective is to allow you to create a user interface using SwiftUI.

What need to be done?

  • Create a view containing Little Lemon Restaurant Logo.
  • Add this view to the LocationsView.
  • Add LocationsView to the MainView.
  • Create a Text element that shows one of two strings, depending on the state of a variable.
  • Create a dynamic list of elements containing several restaurant locations.
  • Add a NavigationLink to the list, making every restaurant location tappable.
  • Create validation code for a text field.
  • Make the reservation button run the form validation function when tapped.
  • Add an alert to the view, that shows errors contained in a variable.
