I needed a simple hack to highlight Stan syntax in
knitr files for a course I'm
taking — stanhl
is that hack.
It's quick and dirty (e.g. this took me thirty minutes to write), but I thought
I'd share before polishing it.
You need http://pygments.org installed. The following should work:
$ pygmentize -V
Pygments version 1.6, (c) 2006-2013 by Georg Brandl.
If you don't have Pygments installed, just install with the Python Package Index:
$ pip install Pygments
Using the terrific devtools package, you
can install stanhl
If you don't have devtools
installed, use install.packages('devtools')
There are two steps:
Include the following in your LaTeX header:
\usepackage{fancyvrb} \usepackage{color} <<echo=FALSE,results='asis'>>= library(stanhl) stanhl_latex() @
Write your Stan model, store it to a variable (e.g. to call with
stan(model_code=x, ...
), and then use:<<echo=FALSE,results='asis'>>= m <- " data { // stan stuff } model { // more stan stuff } " stanhl(m) @
Then, in another block call stan()
, do other stuff, etc.
I haven't extensively tested Markdown support (swamped for the next few weeks),
but stanhl_html()
should work as a replacement for stanhl_latex()
. If it
doesn't, feel free to submit a pull request. Below is the basic idea.
The header:
The meat and potatoes (or tofu and eggplant):
m <- "
data {
int<lower=0> N;
vector[N] weight;
vector[N] diam1;
vector[N] diam2;
vector[N] canopy_height;
transformed data {
vector[N] log_weight;
vector[N] log_canopy_volume;
log_weight <- log(weight);
log_canopy_volume <- log(diam1 .* diam2 .* canopy_height);
parameters {
vector[2] beta;
real<lower=0> sigma;
model {
log_weight ~ normal(beta[1] + beta[2] * log_canopy_volume, sigma);
You can also highlight a model directly from a .stan
mesquite_file <- system.file("inst", "extdata", "mesquite_volume.stan",
# Then run your Stan model directly from file with something like:
# fit <- stan(mesquite_file, data=mesquite_data)
You can change Pygments style used in syntax highlighting with:
> stanhl_styles() # get available style list (depends on Pygments plugins)
[1] "monokai" "manni" "rrt" "perldoc" "borland" "colorful"
[7] "default" "murphy" "vs" "trac" "tango" "fruity"
[13] "autumn" "bw" "emacs" "vim" "pastie" "friendly"
[19] "native"
> stanhl_opts$set(style="emacs")
See the vignette for these styles rendered.
I interfaced Pygments with R to create syntax highlighting for Stan, but afterwards thought it might be useful to have a more general R-Pygments interface. This interface is now the pygmentr package; I am debating whether to merge these two together, or just keep stanhl separate. For now, there are some Stan-specific features I want, e.g. including Stan models from file, so this package is worth it.