
Concurrent LRUCache

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

{Concurrent LRU Cache}

https://github.com/vsdmars/LN_LRU_Cache/actions/workflows/lruc_action.yaml/badge.svg?branch=master https://app.codacy.com/project/badge/Grade/8613cff7339947578b7a8897535a1f88

{Concurrent LRU Cache} is an header only concurrent safe LRU cache supports generic types with simple API.

LRUCache and Scaled LRUCache

Concurrent LRUCache provides thread-safe access with defined size limit.

find() : concurrent access to cache with specified key and returns value.

insert() : insert key with value.

erase() : evict cache with specified key.

capacity() : capacity of the cache.

size() : current cache size.

clear() : evict all cache entries.

For heavy concurrent insert/evict load, scaled-lru cache is provided.


LRU Cache (run)

#include <lrucache.h>

using MyCache = LRUC::LRUCache<int, string>;

auto main(int argc, char* argv[]) -> int {
    MyCache lruc{42};

    lruc.insert(1, "I");
    lruc.insert(2, "Will");
    lruc.insert(3, "Coding");
    lruc.insert(4, "In");
    lruc.insert(5, "Rust");
    lruc.insert(6, "Soon :-)");

    MyCache::ConstAccessor ca;
    if (lruc.find(ca, 5)) {
        std::cout << *ca << std::endl;

    if (!lruc.find(ca, 2)) {
        std::cout << "2 is gone." << std::endl;

Scaled LRU Cache

#include <scale-lrucache.h>

using MyCache = LRUC::ScalableLRUCache<int, string>;

auto main(int argc, char* argv[]) -> int {
    MyCache lruc{42};

    lruc.insert(1, "I");
    lruc.insert(2, "Will");
    lruc.insert(3, "Coding");
    lruc.insert(4, "In");
    lruc.insert(5, "Go");
    lruc.insert(6, "Even Sooner :-)");

    MyCache::ConstAccessor ca;
    if (lruc.find(ca, 1)) {
        std::cout << *ca << std::endl;


intel-tbb version 5 or later

