
Simple Discord SelfBot Python Version

Primary LanguagePython

Discord SelfBot

Simple Discord Self Bot Python version

Created By viloid (github.com/vsec7)


• Features

  • Send Quote message
  • Send Response Simsimi message
  • Send Repost message from channel chat history
  • Send select random line from custom.txt
  • Auto Delete message

• Requirements

  • Python3

• Installation

git clone https://github.com/vsec7/DiscordSelfbot.git

• Edit Configurations config.yaml file

BOT_TOKEN:                      # Discord SelfBot Token *Required
    - Discord Token 1           # You can add multiple discord token
    - Discord Token 2                     
CHANNEL_ID:                     # channel id *Required
    - Channel Id 1
    - Channel Id 2              # You can add multiple channel id
MODE:                           # mode: (quote, repost, simsim, custom) *Leave blank Default: quote
REPLY: Y                        # For simsimi mode only *Leave blank if you dont use it
SIMSIMI_LANG: 				    # Simsimi Language (id/en) *Leave blank Default: id
DELAY: 60	                    # Delay per send massage *second
DEL_AFTER: Y                    # Delete after send *Leave blank if you dont use it 
REPOST_LAST_CHAT: 100           # Repost from last ?n chat in channel          

• How to get Discord SelfBot Token?

javascript:(()=>{var t=document.body.appendChild(document.createElement`iframe`).contentWindow.localStorage.token.replace(/["]+/g, '');prompt('Get Selfbot Discord Token by github.com/vsec7', t)})();


Paste in your url bar when open discord desktop browser

word javascript may removed by browser , you can type it manual.

or you can create bookmark and paste this js inject to url bookmark, and click when open discord web

• How to Run?

cd DiscordSelfbot
pip install -r requirements.txt
python bot.py

• Donate

SOL Address : viloid.sol

BSC Address : 0xd3de361b186cc2Fc0C77764E30103F104a6d6D07