
Miscellaneous small stuff

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Miscellaneous files

  • cracked-lists.py -- A program that automates reading of Cracked's list-articles by loading them and displaying only their headers.

  • dominoes.py -- A solution for the dominoes problem posted in The Guardian on 15th Jun 2020.

  • find_expressions.py -- A program to find all the expressions using all of the given numbers that evaluate to the given target.

  • gchq-morse.py -- A program that solves the Morse part of GCHQ's centenary puzzle.

  • knight_around_board.py -- A program that finds a way for a knight to visit all the fields on the board.

  • knuth-puzzle.py -- A program that (usually :-)) solves Knuth's puzzle.

  • lock.py -- A programmatic solution for a lock problem.

  • match_brackets.py -- A simple module to tackle a problem of checking if the brackets in an expression match.

  • mhmt.py -- A crude solver for Move Here Move There.

  • nonogram.py -- Nonogram solver.

  • pardoners_puzzle.py -- A program that solves the Pardoner's puzzle.

  • pastebin.py -- A simple module for pasting text to Pastebin. No other fancy features (for now).

  • pdf-pages.py -- A native Python module to get pages' sizes from PDF. I needed this to get pages' sizes from huge PDFs (containing large images) without big memory consumption.

  • prob_55_56.py -- A parallel processing exercise: experimental verification of a probability experiment (throw dice until you get 55 or 56; which is more likely?).

  • pyver.py -- A simple program that prints the version of Python and some of its commonly used libraries (SciPy, NumPy, Matplotlib).

  • sandwich.py -- A quick solution to the club sandwich problem from Guardian.

  • sanitizer.py -- A Python module that implements @sanitizer decorator for creating properties with trivial getter and deleter, but full control of assigned values through a setter.

  • sorting_elves.py -- A quick solution to the elves sorting problem.

  • two_teams.py -- A programmatic solution for a fun probability problem.

  • unshake.sh -- A very rudimentary bash script to unshake videos. The results go to /tmp/unshake/ without modifying the original files. It requires ffmpeg compiled with the --enable-libvidstab option (which most distros' versions are). For more details, see here.