This demo is to show how NiFI can serve as the Flow platform to connect an Edge Device or an external Data distributor to a local PostGreSQL (or any other database).
The key here is simplicity and speed and its designed to be run from a laptop.
Install NiFI
Install PostGresql
Download the latest version of PostGreSQL JDBC Driver
Check NiFI and PostGres is running.
NiFI by default runs on 8080 , change the property nifi.web.http.port in inside the conf directory to assign a different port. |
sudo netstat -ltnp | grep "LISTEN"
Open NiFI and import the template from here : TwitterToLocalDB.xml
Login to PostGres
sudo -i -u postgres psql -- Change the default password \password -- List the current databases \l
Create a new database
CREATE DATABASE dwsdemo; -- connect to the new database \connect dwsdemo -- check if the db is present \l -- list all relations (tables etc.) \dt+
Create a new table for storing "processed" tweets
CREATE TABLE public.tweets (tweet_id bigint, unixtime bigint, created_time timestamp, displayname varchar(255), msg text);
-- describe a table \d public.tweets --
The JDBC URL for connectivity
Check the tweets that have come in the last 12 hours
SELECT created_time, displayname, msg FROM public.tweets WHERE created_time >= NOW() - interval '12 hour';