
How to have Haskell compile on Termux!

MIT LicenseMIT

We got Haskell to compile on aarch64 architecture. This was done from an Android phone with Termux running a virtual Ubuntu shell courtesy of PRoot alongside our larger effort to port SimpleX for iOS and Android. This recipe assumes a fresh Termux installation.

If you'd like to skip the compilation process and just grab the binary, it is available in releases.

SimpleX is a thin terminal UI message broker that uses SMP protocols. The motivation for SimpleX chat is presented here.

Fix termux: pkg remove game-repo

Fix termux number 2: pkg remove science-repo

Update: pkg update

Update termux: apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y

Install Dependencies: apt-get install wget proot proot-distro git -y

Go to HOME folder: cd ~

Install Ubuntu on PRoot: proot-distro install ubuntu

Login to Ubuntu: proot-distro login ubuntu

Update & Install Dependencies: apt update && apt install curl libnuma-dev git llvm-dev clang make zlib1g-dev

Install ghcup: mkdir -p ~/.ghcup/bin && curl https://downloads.haskell.org/~ghcup/aarch64-linux-ghcup -o ~/.ghcup/bin/ghcup && chmod +x ~/.ghcup/bin/ghcup

Add it to PATH: echo "export PATH=\"\$HOME/.cabal/bin:\$HOME/.ghcup/bin:\$PATH\"" >> ~/.bashrc && source ~/.bashrc

Set GHC and Install Cabal: ghcup install ghc && ghcup set ghc && ghcup install cabal && ghcup set cabal

Clone SimpleX & cd into it: git clone https://github.com/simplex-chat/simplex-chat && cd simplex-chat

To avoid Android killing the compiler enable power mode, put phone on charge, and remove Termux from tracking by "Memory" within "Device care" of "Settings".

Update Cabal then Build: cabal update && cabal build

Directory to simplex-chat will print in final linking stage. In my case it was: /root/simplex-chat/dist-newstyle/build/aarch64-linux/ghc-8.10.7/simplex-chat-0.5.2/x/simplex-chat/build/simplex-chat/simplex-chat

Grab the binary for simplex-chat located in the directory above -> place it somewhere -> make it executable with chmod +x simplex-chat -> add the location you placed the binary in to your PATH.

Finally enter simplex-chat to launch SimpleX.