POC Swisstopo terrain from Cesium-cli


The generated terrain is based on 2 datasets, by order of priority:

  • Swissalti 3D 0.5m GeoTiffs;
  • Swisstopo MNT25 ASCII Grid.

This fallback strategy is necessary since the Swissalti 3D data stops almost at the Swiss boundary. https://map.geo.admin.ch/?lang=en&topic=ech&bgLayer=ch.swisstopo.pixelkarte-farbe&layers=ch.swisstopo.swissalti3d.metadata,ch.swisstopo.digitales-hoehenmodell_25.metadata


  • create a simlink to the CLI
ln -s ...../cesium-cli
  • get submodules
git submodule init
  • get sample data from the Swisstopo shop
  • generate the terrain tiles
  • Serve the tiles
python serve.py

Real data

Here are some general steps for working with real data.

  • create one vrt per input data; gdalbuildvrt -r lanczos -overwrite lv95.vrt CHLV95_LHN95_*.tif

  • reproject to EPSG:4326; gdalwarp -co BIGTIFF=YES --config GDAL_CACHEMAX 2000 -wm 2000 -multi -wo NUM_THREADS=ALL_CPUS -co TILED=YES -co compress=lzw -wo OPTIMIZE_SIZE=YES -t_srs EPSG:4326 -s_srs EPSG:2056 -r lanczos -ovr NONE lv95.vrt CH4326_LN02.tif

  • run cli; cesium-cli/bin/terrain-tiler
    --input detailed_4326.tif
    --input eventual_less_detailed_4326.tif
    --void-fill Underlying
    --height-reference Ellipsoid
    -o $dbfile

  • extract tiles to the filesystem; python modules/stk_tiles_dumper/stk_tiles_dumper.py -i $dbfile -o $outdir

aws s3 sync --acl public-read --content-encoding gzip --cache-control 'public, max-age=86400' --content-type application/vnd.quantized-mesh '18*' outputs/xx s3://XXX