
This repo consists of the basic setup required for webpack from scratch

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Webpack setup

Webpack is the most widely used module bundler for web applications. This repo comprises of all the loaders and plugins required for a nice and basic setup of webpack for any project


git clone https://github.com/vaideshshank/webpack-setup.git
npm install

Start dev server in browser

npm start

Building files locally

npm run dev

Building files for production

npm run build

Dev dependencies used

  • babel-loader : Loader for providing backward compatibility of ES6 syntax in browsers.
  • css-loader : Loader to read the css files by webpack added in the project
  • style-loader : Loader to add the css link tag with the css file location in the html where it is to be imported
  • file-loader : Loader to read images,videos,fonts,etc by webpack
  • html-loader : Loader for reading the html files
  • html-webpack-plugin : Plugin used to create,minify,add titles,etc. to the html file in development and production mode
  • mini-css-extract-plugin : Plugin used to create separate css files
  • optimize-css-assets-webpack-plugin : Plugin used for minification of css files in production mode
  • webpack,webpack-cli : Webpack utilities
  • webpack-dev-server : For starting live-server of webpack for hosting the project locally
  • webpack-merge : For merging exported object of one files with the other(like config objects are utilized in dev and prod with some modifications).