
Docker configuration for laravel project ( Nginx, php, mysql, laravel )

Primary LanguageDockerfileMIT LicenseMIT

Environment Setup for the Latest Version of Laravel (PHP, Nginx, Laravel, MySql) Using Docker

Project Structure

  • docker - Folder for all configuration files for docker and other services
    • nginx - Folder for nginx configuration files
    • php - Folder for php configuration files
  • src - Folder where the project code will be stored
  • docker-compose.yml - Docker compose configuration file

Step-by-Step Guide

1. Environment Setup

  • Remove empty files from src and mysql dirs.

    rm src/empty
    rm mysql/empty
  • In docker-compose.yml, change the data to access the database

    MYSQL_DATABASE: laraveldb
    MYSQL_USER: laravel
    MYSQL_PASSWORD: secret

2. Build the Project Using Docker Compose

  • Run this command

    docker compose build

3. Create a Laravel Project

  • Run this command:
docker compose run --rm composer create-project laravel/laravel .
  • After running this command, the project code should appear in the src folder.

  • Start docker containers

    docker compose up -d
  • You can verify if the project is working by opening the browser. For example, if it’s set to 80:


4. Configure Laravel project

  • Configure Mysql in /src/.env . Uncomment and change:

    DB_CONNECTION=mysql       # connection name, we use mysql
    DB_HOST=mysql             # name of mysql service in docker-compose.yml
    DB_PORT=3306              # mysql standart port 
    DB_DATABASE=laraveldb     # database name from MYSQL_DATABASE in docker-compose.yml
    DB_USERNAME=laravel       # username from MYSQL_USER in docker-compose.yml
    DB_PASSWORD=secret        # user password from MYSQL_PASSWORD in docker-compose.yml
  • Restart all services

    docker compose down
    docker compose up -d

5. Run Migrations

docker compose run --rm artisan migrate

Some useful commands

  • Enter the php container (php is the name of the service from docker-compose.yml)

    docker compose run --rm php /bin/sh
  • If access Forbidden

    docker compose run --rm php /bin/sh
    chown -R laravel:laravel /var/www/html