
Docker image used to generate PDF documents with VSHN style

Primary LanguageShell

VSHN PDF Generator based on Asciidoctor

This project generates a container image to be used to generate PDF books with a standard VSHN style and fonts.


Run the make command to build the image.


Run the following command to build a PDF using an Asciidoc file as a basis:

podman run --rm --volume "${PWD}":/documents ghcr.io/vshn/asciidoctor-pdf:1.39.1 file.adoc

Any parameters passed after the command line will be fed directly to Asciidoctor, for example

podman run --rm --volume "${PWD}":/documents ghcr.io/vshn/asciidoctor-pdf:1.39.1 file.adoc --destination-dir=./_archive

Default Attributes

This project sets the following default attributes for the generation of the PDF:

  • doctype=book

  • pdf-themesdir=/theme

  • pdf-theme=vshn

  • pdf-fontsdir=/fonts

  • pdf-page-size=A4

  • mathematical-format=svg

  • stem=latexmath

  • hide-uri-scheme

  • experimental

  • source-highlighter=rouge

  • pygments-style=abap

  • icons=font

  • icon-set=fi

  • numbered

  • toc

  • toclevels=2

  • sectnumlevels=2

  • leveloffset=+1

These attributes can be overridden on the command line passing the corresponding --attribute or -a parameter.


This container image includes these additional extensions: