
Advent of Code 2020 solutions in Rust by a complete beginner

Primary LanguageRust

Advent of Code 2020 solutions in Rust by a complete beginner

Since, I had done absolutely no Rust programming before picking up day01, a lot of the solutions will probably look horrible to seasoned Rustaceans, but I would hope that as the days progress the code will be getting better.

I've been using BurntSushi's 2018 AoC repo as a reference for how to structure the project, read the input and run the programs. It was recommended multiple times as a great reference for idiomatic Rust code, so I thought it would be a good idea to steal as much as I can from there.

So, using the instructions part of their README, to run a solution, cd into its directory and invoke the program with Cargo:

$ cd day01
$ cargo run --release < input/input.txt

NOTE: You will have to replace input/input.txt with your own input data. I've not included my own inputs, as the creator of AoC would prefer not sharing them, according to this comment on reddit