
Budget tracking app designed to function offline

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Unit 18 PWA Homework: Online/Offline Budget Trackers


Tasked with creating adding functionality to the existing Budget Tracker application to allow for offline access and functionality, using a service-worker.js and manifest.

User Story

  • AS AN avid traveller
  • I WANT to be able to track my withdrawals and deposits with or without a data/internet connection
  • SO THAT my account balance is accurate when I am traveling


Public, model & routes folders were provided as well as a server.js file that needed to be adjusted.

  • Provided files changed
    • server.js - allowing for process.env & mongoose to be used
    • api.js & index.js - console logs added
  • New files added
    • db.js - holds indexedDB, which is the database within the browser
    • service-worker.js - allows offline functionality
    • manifest.webmanifest - provides PWA info
  • DB
    • Created budgetdb + transactions collection
    • Using MongoDB Atlas with account and process.env used with Heroku
  • Offline Functionality:
    • Enter deposits offline
    • Enter expenses offline
    • When brought back online -> offline entries should be added to tracker.


NPM install for express, mongoose, morgan, compression & lite-server - other files required throughout the app once they are created. Ensure these are listed on package.json as dependencies.





Heroku Link


Github Link



Developer - Victoria Shulman