
This repository is used by dc4bc participants to communicate with each other in order to start DKG rounds. The procedure is as follows:

  1. Somebody creates a new file dc4bc-conference-call-22-10-2020.json with the following structure:
  "SigningThreshold": 1,
  "Participants": [
    "Addr": "addr1",
    "PubKey": "Otwt+xeI7Po3aNIcLWugnMIHxWcoTPnI3kylUkIFq80=",
    "DkgPubKey": "icmEgjz+F/W6qC347pIvu317GOZA7vj4cthe/+6+GtTvh4hng0C6yx40f7RTKcNuCe+xUATI2dNEciyx7ntUaAzBOuuzRuYmOIYjBTFmt8Zms/9K1EVMhXm0zGFb5rfP"
  1. Other participants open pull-requests with their data, appending to the list of Participants;
  2. When everything is ready, the contents of this file are used as input for the StartDKG procedure by one of the participants.

N.B.: for more information about getting the data for this procedure please visit https://github.com/depools/dc4bc/blob/master/HowTo.md