
Animating an RGB lamp, using WebAssembly!

Primary LanguageC++

[WIP] WebAssembly RGB lamp animation demo

  • MCU: Nordic nRF51822 QFAA (16 MHz Cortex-M0, 16 Kb RAM, 256 Kb Flash)
  • Wasm Runtime: Wasm3
  • Framework: Arduino
  • Build System: PlatformIO


  • Video with 30 LEDs, lamp produces 110 FPS
  • Video with 144 LEDs, lamp produces 23.5 FPS



  • Run AssemblyScript on nRF51
  • Simple Color Wheel animation working
  • Transfer pixels in batches (optimize speed)
  • Add support for Micro:bit, ESP32, ESP8266
  • Try running Bluetooth LE stack
  • Upload wasm binary to device using BLE (store to RAM)
  • Store wasm binary to flash

Build instructions

./assemblyscript contains the wasm app. This implements an animation.
./wasm_vm contains the interpreter/VM.

  1. Install PlatformIO
  2. In assemblyscript directory, run npm install
  3. To build the demo: make
  4. To upload and run the demo: make run