
Minimalistic Solr client written in functional programming style

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Conventional Commits


  • functional-style API with jsdoc type annotations
  • plain javascipt in commonjs format - no additional build step required
  • ES6+ including async/await, lambdas, spread operator...
  • typechecking support in vscode (without compiling typescript code)
  • no runtime dependencies other than axios
  • as close as possible to the Solr Json-based REST API
  • functions for working with documents, fields, field types, cores


const { prepareSolrClient } = require("node-solr-lambda");
const solr = prepareSolrClient("mycore");

async function myfun() {
  const result = await solr.query({ query: "label:something" });

  await solr.addField({ name: "price", type: "plong", multiValued: false });
  await solr.addField({
    name: "category",
    type: "string",
    multiValued: true,
    docValues: true

  const item1 = { id: "item1", price: 123, category: ["cpu", "ram"] };
  const item2 = { id: "item2", price: 456, category: ["cpu", "usb"] };
  await solr.add(item1); // works with single object
  await solr.add([item1, item2]); // works with object[]
  await solr.commit()

  await solr.query({
    query: "*:*",
    facet: {
      top_5_categories: {
        terms: {
          field: "category",
          limit: 5,
          facet: {
            avg_price: "avg(price)"

How to test

We provide a docker-compose with a solr instance for testing. The testing solr instance needs to run first:

# run this in a separate terminal and shutdown using CTRL+C
yarn test:prepare

Now you can run the test suite:

yarn test