
Genre Classification useing Essentia's Music Extractor

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Genre Classication Task


In this task, I have trained and evaluated Support Vector Machine (SVM) for prediction of genre. Essentia's MusicExtractor has been used to compute summarized descriptor values (no frames). Scikit-learn has been used for SVM classifier. All the features have been pre-processed first, by removing features with non-numerical irrelevant values and standardizing them to zero mean and unit variance.

This notebook along with the supporting .py files is self-sufficient in the sense that it handles everything from downloading the dataset to arriving at the classification results with appropriate instructions and explanations. For questions/feedback, please write to venkatesh.shenoykadandale01@estudiant.upf.edu.

A submission by Venkatesh Shenoy Kadandale, SMC Master Student 2017-18 as a part of Audio and Music Processing Lab Course