
A simple, colored-like ANSI color package for the Odin programming language!

Primary LanguageOdinMIT LicenseMIT

Odin color

A simple ANSI color package similar to Rust's colored crate.

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Read more in our documentation or check out some examples



Create an external folder in your project's root directory. Add the project as a submodule like in the example below:

git submodule add https://github.com/hrszpuk/odin-color.git external/odin-color

Import the package using a relative path: import color "./external/odin-color.

Shared collection

Download the repository code using git and place the folder in your shared/external collection directory. Import the package using import color "collection-name:odin-color" and build/run with the flag --collection:collection-name=/path/to/collection.