
The command "Move lists and sublists up/down" doesn't work for multiple lines

Opened this issue · 2 comments

When having multiple lines selected (or even a word selected, for that matter) the command fails at moving the lines up/down. Perhaps some sort of iterated command for each selected line would work? thanks.

It works 1 of 10 times for me. The same when not selecting the text and only putting the cursor on the list item with nested items (or not). It sometimes works, it sometimes not. I think that has something to do with the number of lines in the file, because the more lines the chance of the plugin working decreases, although sometimes it works... It's very unpredictable and frustrating.

It seems @vslinko (the main dev) had this in mind a couple of years ago in this PR #272. The plugin seems inactive now but hopefully someone picks it up forks it cause there's no alternative plugin in the market.