- 6
- 9
[BUG] Drag and drop does not work in some documents
#520 opened by kuyper - 3
[Feature] Enhanced Delete key
#539 opened by LandonSchropp - 0
- 0
- 4
- 0
[BUG] Cursor position not correctly updated when indenting/deindenting list items with delimiters
#543 opened by sngchn85 - 3
[BUG] `CMD+Shift+Up/Down` and `Tab` broken for moving/indenting lists and sublists in certain pages
#532 opened by chrisrytting - 0
FR: Support For Minimal Theme
#540 opened by greetclammy - 0
[FR] Make more elements outline-able
#538 opened by aidan-gibson - 16
[BUG] Drag and Drop does not work on note re open
#489 opened by TomSpoct - 0
The sponsor/donate link doesn't work
#537 opened by hmijail - 0
#536 opened by CUR777 - 0
Minify main.js
#535 opened by kepano - 0
- 1
[Feature Request] do the same on headers
#518 opened by notuntoward - 0
[BUG] Starting a new line from bullet list item with math equation with characters '-', '[', ']' and ' ' causes the new line to be a check box
#529 opened by gammag4 - 1
Drag and drop not working
#527 opened by bobmhughes - 0
[BUG] Indentation Level For Pasting
#526 opened by Friedolito - 0
- 0
- 0
[Feature Request] Automatic Indentation of Code Blocks
#522 opened by neilcft - 2
Hi, it's normal that the Outline plugin doesn't work when my note is over 1000 words long. At first it worked, but when there was a lot of text, the Outliner functions stopped working.
#498 opened by MaX1MM1322 - 15
- 6
[BUG] Hover Editor Incompatibility
#507 opened by Servinjesus1 - 1
[BUG] Vertical indentation lines don't line up properly when Show line number is turned on
#486 opened by zuzic-filip - 3
- 1
[BUG] welcome doc on iphone can’t be closed
#513 opened by sylvaticuskorax - 0
[BUG] Shift-Enter Does not indent the note line
#512 opened by toffalori - 2
- 2
- 0
[feature] get support to todo
#511 opened by imshenwei - 7
[BUG] In Obsidian v1.4.5, frontmatter and Drag-and-Drag functions cannot be used at the same time
#480 opened by wuxuehao - 1
[BUG] TypeError appearing in the console.
#508 opened by Michael679089 - 1
- 0
- 0
[BUG] left arrow key on first row of list doesn't work when `stick cursor out` enabled
#504 opened by WhoAmI-WhereAmI - 0
[Feature request] Add ability to move multiple lines while holding down a key
#502 opened by piotrnajda3000 - 0
[BUG] canot drag and drop between separated lists.
#497 opened by h0uter - 0
FR - Support for tables - obsidian 1.5
#496 opened by javiavid - 0
[BUG] "Enhance the Enter Key" doesn't work when the last item of a list is collapsed
#492 opened by bzsgbq - 0
[BUG] A problem of undoing the Enter operation after "Enhance the Enter Key" is enabled
#493 opened by bzsgbq - 0
[BUG] No longer indents after many levels
#490 opened by TridentInternet - 1
- 0
- 0
[Feature Request] Explain the Testing apparatus
#487 opened by mariomui - 0
[BUG] Group of List Indent crashes Obsidian
#484 opened by ianTevesAcc - 0
[BUG] Multiple paragraph item quirks
#483 opened by memeplex - 1
[BUG] "Fold/unfold the list" hotkey defaults conflict with common Mac global hotkeys
#482 opened by evictor - 0
[BUG]Loss of focus
#481 opened by Kiss-World