
OpenSource Keyboard for Xbox 360 Chatpad

Primary LanguageCBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


OpenSource Keyboard for Xbox 360 Chatpad

This code convert the matrix pressed keys in pure serial uart codes that you can use with microcontrollers.

  • Support Blacklight with auto fade OFF/ON.
  • Support most common baud rates: 300, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200

Function keys:

  • Chatkey turn blacklight ON/OFF ON=fade out in 2 seconds
  • Shift, Orange an Green alt keys works with all chars.
  • The Orange Z and X keys (æ & œ) was replaced by ESC and TAB keys.

Keyboard power ON options:
- key 1 change baud rate.
- key 0 Reset to defaults, baud rate=4800, blacklight=off.
- key 2 print about text with version.

This source code support the original: PIC16F883 and a alternative compatible pinout: PIC18F26k20.
If you have the microsoft chip, you can replace it with one of this PIC's.
To flash use the pickit3 programmer, see the pinout in img folder

The chatpad keyboard use 3.3v, and have a boost converter on the right side, to go at 3.8V.
If you remove it, you can do a bypass on boost, and power it at 5V.
To compile use Mikroc in https://www.mikroe.com/mikroc-pic or get the hex files in the hex folder.

To do in the future:

  • Add support to PS2 in C7 and A7 pins (the only avaliable) Needed more flash space... move to PIC18F26k20.
  • Add sleep mode option (100 nA).
  • Add more key options

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Thank you!

Happy hacking!!!