
👋 e-μπάι

Primary LanguageTypeScript

👋 e-μπάι - either buy, or μπάιιιι.

Project Setup
bun install
Run Locally
bun dev
Run Unit Tests with Vitest
bun test:unit

I implemented everything on the list (minus a couple of optional ones):

  • For mocking the api server I opted to use msw for the first time. This is fantastic as it allows you to use the native fetch or other libraries and msw just intercepts the request using a service worker and returns the mock data.

  • Using a global state management solution wasn't really necessary for this project, but I decided to throw Pinia in the mix in order to hopefully showcase I have previous experience with it.

  • I wrote a few (27) tests. I (believe I) wrote exhaustive tests for the API handlers. Due to time constraints, I only wrote tests for a few key Views and for the tiny Pinia store.

  • The product listing API supports pagination and category filtering.

  • I decided against using any css frameworks and instead keep it custom, with just the inclusion of modern-normalise for browser reset. In my opinion, it would've been an overkill for this project as it's relatively tiny, and there would've been a significant overhead. I used postcss with scoped stylesheets and just plain classes and nests. The site is responsive and mobile-first.

  • I didn't add animations to the cart items, because it couldn't happen in a clean manner. That's due to the (conscious) use of tables for the cart item representation, as it's semantically more appropriate. tr and td items cannot be properly animated, only their contents.

  • I didn't add a dark mode toggle due to time constraints, but I'm more than happy to chat about how I'd implement it. The site responds to the user's system-wide scheme preference, however I didn't enable it because I didn't like the contrast of the product photos against the dark background color. To enable the system-wide scheme preference theme you can uncomment a few lines of code in src/assets/styles/base.css:

/* Uncomment below to enable system-wide scheme preference */
/* @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
  :root {
    --color-background: var(--vt-c-black);
    --color-heading: var(--vt-c-text-dark-1);
    --color-text: var(--vt-c-text-dark-1);
    --color-button: var(--vt-c-yellow);
    --color-button-text: var(--vt-c-text-light-1);
    --color-stroke: var(--vt-c-yellow);
} */

No big challenges with this project. I hadn't touched a frontend project in 1,5 years because I was working on a React Native product (though, technically, React Native is the closest you can get to frontend in the mobile space), so I needed a little refresher to pick up on Vue, Pinia and any changes I missed during this time. I also spent a little bit of time on msw for the setup and testing, but the documentation was great.

I don't remember the last time I had such a fun time with a challenge. Vue is always a breeze to work with (with its unparalleled DX) and the encouragement to mess about with animations / interactions was appreciated.

Looking forward to any feedback.

Thank you!