
Dockerized rstudio with some statistics and neuro packages!

MIT LicenseMIT

Building Instructions

The Dockerfile here will build the experiment from the repository, along with a simple test task. This image is also an automated build on Docker Hub if you don't want to build locally (it takes a bit of time!).

git clone https://www.github.com/vsoch/rstudio-neuro
cd rstudio-neuro
docker build -t vanessa/rstudio-neuro .

Don't forget the . at the end! It means the present working directory. And the image knows WHAT'S UP.

Removing intermediate container 8d4fef74f7ea
Step 36/36 : RUN cat /hello.txt
 ---> Running in d33b4e507d04

  ____       _     _                _    _       _        _____ _______        ___ 
 |  _ \ ___ | | __| |_ __ __ _  ___| | _| | __ _| |__    |  ___|_   _\ \      / / |
 | |_) / _ \| |/ _` | '__/ _` |/ __| |/ / |/ _` | '_ \   | |_    | |  \ \ /\ / /| |
 |  __/ (_) | | (_| | | | (_| | (__|   <| | (_| | |_) |  |  _|   | |   \ V  V / |_|
 |_|   \___/|_|\__,_|_|  \__,_|\___|_|\_\_|\__,_|_.__( ) |_|     |_|    \_/\_/  (_)
 ---> 3a874bc1da02
Removing intermediate container d33b4e507d04
Successfully built 3a874bc1da02
Successfully tagged vanessa/rstudio-neuro:latest


The image vanessa/rstudio-neuro can be run as follows. In the example, we want to mount the directory where data has been downloaded (/data) to a directory on our host, and we want to expose port 8787 where rstudio server is running.

# Without mounting the data folder
docker run -p 8787:8787 vanessa/rstudio-neuro

# Mounting the data folder
docker run -v $PWD:/data -p 8787:8787 vanessa/rstudio-neuro

# Run in detached mode
docker run -d -v $PWD:/data -p 8787:8787 vanessa/rstudio-neuro

Then visit http://localhost:8787 in your browser. You need to login with:

  • username: rstudio
  • password: rstudio

The data downloaded should be present in your files, and in the image it's located under /home/rstudio