
a scala http client that supports request retries on specific errors & exceptions, json serialization and deserialization, authentication etc. in a simple way.

Primary LanguageScala


an HTTP client that's simple to configure & use. it provides a simple configuration for:

  • request retries on specific HTTP errors & exceptions
  • timeouts (connection, read, idle etc.)
  • basic & token auth
  • json serialization & deserialization out of the box
  • extra helpers
  • logging etc.


Use the client w/o any configuration

Do simple GET request

import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.{assertEquals, assertTrue}
import org.vspaz.http.Client

val resp = new Client().doGet(endpoint = "https://httpbin.org/get")
assertEquals(200, resp.statusCode)

Deserialize JSON payload

import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.{assertEquals, assertTrue}
import org.vspaz.http.Client

case class Response(
                     args: Option[Map[String, String]],
                     headers: Option[Map[String, String]],
                     origin: Option[String],
                     url: Option[String]) {}
val resp = new Client().doGet(endpoint = "https://httpbin.org/get")

val decodedBody = resp.fromJson(classOf[Response])
assertEquals("https://httpbin.org/get", decodedBody.url.get)

or if you need more control, you can get response as bytes or string, and deserialize it with any Scala/Java frameworks e.g.

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.json.JsonMapper
import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.scala.DefaultScalaModule

val resp = new Client().doGet(endpoint = "https://httpbin.org/get")

val mapper: JsonMapper = JsonMapper.builder().addModule(DefaultScalaModule).build()
val decodedBody = mapper.readValue(response.toString(), classOf[Response])

Add query params to request

val resp = new Client().doGet(endpoint = "https://httpbin.org/get", params = Map("foo" -> "bar"))
val decodedBody = resp.fromJson(classOf[Response])
assertEquals("https://httpbin.org/get?foo=bar", decodedBody.url.get)
assertEquals("bar", decodedBody.args.get("foo"))

Add headers to request

val resp = new Client().doGet(endpoint = "https://httpbin.org/get", headers = Map("Header-Type" -> "header-value"))

val decodedBody = resp.fromJson(classOf[Response])
assertEquals("header-value", decodedBody.headers.get("Header-Type"))

Get response headers

val resp = new Client().doGet(endpoint = "https://httpbin.org/get")

assertEquals("application/json", resp.headers("content-type"))

Configuring HTTP client

Retrying request on HTTP errors & exceptions

  • retryCount[Int]: number of attempts to retry the request before it fails
  • retryDelay [Int]: incremental retry delay between requests (sec)
  • retryOnStatusCodes Set[Int]: a set of http status codes to retry on
  • retryOnExceptions Set[Int]: a st of exceptions to retry on
import org.vspaz.http.Client

val client = new Client(
      host = "https://httpbin.org",
      userAgent = "client-name-and-version",
      retryCount = 3,
      retryDelay = 1,
      retryOnStatusCodes = Set(400, 500, 503),
      retryOnExceptions = Set(

val resp = client.doGet(endpoint = "/get")

JSON serialization

  1. implicit json serialization
val client = new Client(
  host = "https://httpbin.org",
  userAgent = "client-name-and-version"

val resp = client.doPost(
  endpoint = "/post",
  headers = Map("Content-Type" -> "application/json"),
  payload = Map("key" -> "  value")
  1. explicit json serialization
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper
import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.scala.DefaultScalaModule

val client = new Client(
  host = "https://httpbin.org",
  userAgent = "client-name-and-version"

val mapper: ObjectMapper = new ObjectMapper()

val resp = client.doPost(
  endpoint = "/post",
  headers = Map("Content-Type" -> "application/json"),
  payload = mapper.writer.writeValueAsString(Map("key" -> "value"))

JSON deserialization

package org.vspaz

import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.{assertEquals, assertTrue}
import org.vspaz.http.Client

case class Response(
                     args: Option[Map[String, String]],
                     headers: Option[Map[String, String]],
                     origin: Option[String],
                     url: Option[String]) {}

val client = new Client(
  host = "https://httpbin.org",
  userAgent = "client-name-and-version"

val resp = client.doGet(endpoint = "/get")
val decodedBody = resp.fromJson(classOf[Response])


  1. Basic auth
  • basicAuthUser: username
  • basicUserPassword: user password
 val client = new Client(
  host = "https://httpbin.org",
  userAgent = "client-name-and-version",
  basicAuthUser = "user",
  basicUserPassword = "pass"

val resp = client.doGet(endpoint = "/get")
  1. Bearer token authentication
  • token: bearer token.
val client = new Client(
  host = "https://httpbin.org",
  userAgent ="client-name-and-version",
  token = "iEtTTpwwPKcLNKSykKmN"

val resp = client.doGet(endpoint = "/get")

// or

val resp = client.doGet(endpoint = "/get", headers = Map("Authorization" -> s"Bearer iEtTTpwwPKcLNKSykKmN"))


  • connectionTimeout: connection timeout (sec)
  • readTimeout: read timeout (sec)
val client = new Client(
  host = "https://httpbin.org",
  userAgent = "client-name-and-version",
  connectionTimeout = 5,
  readTimeout = 10

val resp = client.doGet(endpoint = "/get")

Full Client configuration

all parameters are optional

  • host[String]: optional, default is an empty string
  • userAgent[String]: optional, no default
  • basicAuthUser[String]: optional, no default
  • basicUserPassword[String]: optional, no default
  • token[String]: optional, no default
  • retryCount[Int]: default = 0, number of retries before request fails
  • retryOnStatusCodes[Set[Int]]: default is an empty set
  • retryOnExceptions[Set[String]]: default is an empty set
  • retryDelay[Int]: default = 0
  • readTimeout[Int]: default = 10 sec
  • connectionTimeout[Int]: default = 10 sec
  • logger[Logger]:
import org.vspaz.http.Client

val client = new Client(
  host = "https://httpbin.org",
  userAgent = "client-name-and-version",
  basicAuthUser = "username",
  basicUserPassword = "pass",
  token = "",
  retryCount = 3,
  retryDelay = 1,
  retryOnStatusCodes = Set(400, 500, 503),
  retryOnExceptions = Set(
  connectionTimeout = 5,
  readTimeout = 10

Response object

import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.{assertEquals, assertTrue}
import org.vspaz.http.Client

val resp = new Client().doGet(endpoint = "https://httpbin.org/get")
assertEquals(200, resp.statusCode)