
Vehicle Service Records and Maintainence Tracker

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION


A self-hosted, open-source vehicle service records and maintainence tracker.

Support this project on Patreon: https://patreon.com/LubeLogger


Because nobody should have to deal with a homemade spreadsheet or a shoebox full of receipts when it comes to vehicle maintainence.




  • Bootstrap
  • LiteDB
  • Bootstrap-DatePicker
  • SweetAlert2
  • CsvHelper
  • Chart.js

Docker Setup (GHCR)

  1. Install Docker
  2. Run docker pull ghcr.io/hargata/lubelogger:latest
  3. CHECK culture in .env file, default is en_US, this will change the currency and date formats. You can also setup SMTP Config here.
  4. If not using traefik, use docker-compose-notraefik.yml
  5. Run docker-compose up

Docker Setup (Manual Build)

  1. Install Docker
  2. Clone this repo
  3. CHECK culture in .env file, default is en_US, also setup SMTP for user management if you want that.
  4. Run docker build -t lubelogger -f Dockerfile .
  5. CHECK docker-compose.yml and make sure the mounting directories look correct.
  6. If not using traefik, use docker-compose-notraefik.yml
  7. Run docker-compose up

Additional Docker Instructions


  • build
docker build -t hargata/lubelog:latest .
  • run
docker run -d hargata/lubelog:latest

add -v for persistent volumes as needed. Have a look at the docker-compose.yml for examples.


  • build image
docker compose build
  • run
docker compose up

# or variant with traefik labels:

docker compose -f docker-compose.traefik.yml up