
My own implementation of Mower exercice

Primary LanguageJava


Build Status


This is a my mower implementation (I hope it will not scratch too much your eyes :).
I chose an Engine-based architecture after considering Subject(Mower) / Observer(Lawn) pattern.

Assuming two mowers can't be at the same position (ambiguous requirement), the mower don't move if a collision with another mower is detected.


  • JDK 1.6
  • Maven 3
  • SLF4J + LogBack
  • TestNG
  • FestAsserts
  • JBehave

Compile & Run

mvn clean package
cd target
java -jar mower-<version>.jar src/test/resources/commands.txt

Note: the package lifecycle build a shaded (i.e standalone) jar with all dependencies.

Integration tests

mvn clean verify

You can view JBehave reports at:

  • target/jbehave/view/index.html
  • target/jbehave/view/reports.html

Feel free to write your own scenarios in the file app_scenarios.story

Javadoc & Sources JAR

A mower-<version>-sources.jar and mower-<version>-javadoc.jar are generated at package lifecycle.
You can use them with your favorite IDE.

Continuous Integration

Continuous integration provided by Travis CI

Latest Sonar Statistics

  • 675 lines
  • 99,1 rules compliances (2 violations)
  • 84,3 units tests coverages
  • 0% duplications / pti
  • 100% tests success