
Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Simple Reinforcement Learning

This demonstrates reinforcement learning. Specifically, it uses Q-learning to move a player (@) around a fixed maze and avoid traps (^) while getting treasure ($) as fast as possible.

There are three ways to run the grid.py program:

  1. grid.py --interactive [--random]: Use the arrow keys to walk around the maze. The episode ends when you reach a trap or the treasure. Press space to restart or Q to quit. No learning happens in this mode. Use --random to generate a random maze instead of the fixed maze.
  2. grid.py --q [--random]: An ε-greedy Q-learner repeatedly runs the maze. The parameters are not tuned to learn quickly. Over the course of several minutes the player first learns to avoid spikes, then reach the treasure, and eventually reach the treasure in the minimum number of steps. Learning is not saved between runs.
  3. grid.py --test: Run the unit tests.

Here are some ideas in ways to extend grid.py. These are increasingly difficult. Some early steps may be useful for later steps.

  • Watch different random mazes and see how features like long hallways affect learning.
  • Change the learning rate α and future reward discount γ to try to improve the effectiveness of the learner.
  • Display summaries of results. For example, graph the distribution of rewards (Simulation.score) over repeated runs. It may be useful to separate the game simulation loop and the display so that you can simulate faster.
  • Implement TD(λ) and eligibility traces. How do features like long hallways affect learning now?
  • Q-learning is an "off-policy" learning algorithm, which means the policy controlling the player and the policy being learned can be different. Adapt the HumanPlayer to permit a learner to learn by observing a human play.
  • Save policies to disk and load them later. This will let you checkpoint and restart learning.
  • Generate a new maze each episode. The state space will be too large for a QTable to be useful, so implement a value function approximator such as a neural network. The QTable memorizes the fixed map; with multiple maps you will need to feed the maze as input to the neural network so it can "see" the map instead of memorizing it.
  • Connect the learner to an actual roguelike such as NetHack to speed run for dungeon depth.
  • Change the problem from one with discrete states (a grid) and actions (up, down, left, right) to continuous states (the player is at fine-grained x-y coordinates with a certain heading and velocity) and actions (acceleration and turning.) How will you relate states to each other in a continuous space?