
Primary LanguageJava

d-Chiron Repository

Welcome to d-Chiron repository. d-Chiron is a Data-intensive Scalable system that manages complex big data workflows and registers big data provenance at runtine to enable user steering and Human in the Loop. d-Chiron utilizes MySQL Cluster as its core in-memory distributed data structure used for managing execution, provenance, and domain dataflow data.


In this repository, you find what is necessary to execute d-Chiron either in a cluster or standalone. The original Chiron is also available. d-Chiron data models and user steering OLAP queries are provided. The code for Risers Fatigue Analysis (RFA), a synthetic workflow based on a real case study in oil & gas domain, is available. The workflow modeled and ready to be tested both in d-Chiron and Spark are avaiable.