1. Quick Start:

Download JavaScript SDK and example at: http://developer-vstack.vht.com.vn/SDK/javascript

Please review example (authentication, chat):

<!-- optional -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-1.12.1.min.js"></script>

<!-- required libraries -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/socket.io.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jsencrypt.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/adapter-1.3.0.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/vstack-sdk-1.5-build-20161118.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">
	var currentMsgId = Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000);

	$(document).ready(function () {
		//init SDK
		var azAppID = "8f6b6d607b7b6f5ec45b367c1c97ca68"; // you will get it after registered
        var publicKey = 'MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEApxDkgYRgUr24soveQzHXE9GqQLi8Kv0KJtd35glW8UHry6Vy7o2fCGMNDTewKLrQmFLvAoMavIT+ZWKGG0yaARJQ93GduKmQ1C9UAgc3hLlHfW/YabwgENCkUdKtrnLZdx603wxxCfrmehP7LsqEp8BaHQJeTy4FLdCofTqNb8sR836Vk5CWoc11RoYsFJqV6htmxTgpxaHG3jJZOj15ran2rDSN7/yQc+nl8YIEeqmppYWupAe1/N3MkXwmTUPqgQUkXwPbYbuvHtLKLtOaHqSjQ88Vppjg0igZO6gTjL0vY8eumtePb61Ylv8JXzZ6Y+CXoE6x8/15rjG8jCMFvwIDAQAB';
        var VStackUserId = 'test';
        var fullname = 'Tester';
        var userCredentials = '';
        var namespace = '';
		//log level
		vstack.logLevel = 'INFO';

		//SDK delegate --------------------------------------------- -->
		vstack.onAuthenticationCompleted = function (code, authenticatedUser, msg) {
			vstack.log('INFO', 'onAuthenticationCompleted code: ' + code + ', msg: ' + msg + ', authenticatedUser');
			vstack.log('INFO', authenticatedUser);

			$msgDiv.append('onAuthenticationCompleted code ' + code + ', authenticatedUser: ' + '<br />');
			$msgDiv.append(JSON.stringify(authenticatedUser) + '<br />');
		vstack.onMessageReceived = function (user, msg) {
			vstack.log('INFO', 'onMessageReceived');
			vstack.log('INFO', user);
			vstack.log('INFO', msg);
		vstack.onMessagesDelivered = function (packet) {
			vstack.log('INFO', 'onMessagesDelivered');
			vstack.log('INFO', packet);
		vstack.onMessagesSent = function (packet) {
			vstack.log('INFO', 'onMessagesSent');
			vstack.log('INFO', packet);
		vstack.onMessageFromMe = function (packet) {//msg from me (from other device)
			vstack.log('INFO', 'onMessageFromMe');
			vstack.log('INFO', packet);
		//SDK delegate --------------------------------------------- <--

		//start authentication
		vstack.connect(azAppID, publicKey, VStackUserId, userCredentials, fullname, namespace);//connect VStack server

2. Create and configuration your application:

a. Create your application (project) here: http://developer-vstack.vht.com.vn/project/add

b. After you created successfully, click on menu "Keys", press "Generate a new keys" button to get your Public key, Private key and Secret code. Private key and Secret code will be stored in in your server to do authentication. The 3-ways authentication model between Client (web app) - VStack server - your server, as described below: https://github.com/vstacksdk/android-sdk-documentation#33-connect-and-authenticate

c. Please refer to example of server authentication is here: https://github.com/vstacksdk/backend-example/tree/master/php Authentication URL is configured at menu "Authen URL" in http://developer-vstack.vht.com.vn

3. Using JavaScript SDK:

Required libraries:

a. socket.io: https://github.com/socketio/socket.io-client

b. jsencrypt: https://github.com/travist/jsencrypt

c. VStack SDK

Optional libraries:

JQuery: https://jquery.com/download/

Sample code:

		<script type="text/javascript" src="js/socket.io.js"></script>
                <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jsencrypt.js"></script>
		<script type="text/javascript" src="js/adapter-1.3.0.js"></script>
                <script type="text/javascript" src="js/vstack-sdk-1.5-build-20161811.js"></script>

4. Delegates

Delegate functions is required to receive successful events (receive incoming message, send message):

//Call this function after authentication process is completed
vstack.onAuthenticationCompleted = function (code, authenticatedUser, msg) {

//Function triggered when receiving incoming message
vstack.onMessageReceived = function (user, msg) {

//Function triggered when receiver receive message
vstack.onMessagesDelivered = function (packet) {

//Function triggered when send message successfully
vstack.onMessagesSent = function (packet) {

//Function triggered when receive message in other devices
vstack.onMessageFromMe = function (packet) {

//Triggered when receive message from group
vstack.onGroupMessageReceived = function (msg) {

//Triggered when retrieving list conversation
vstack.onListModifiedConversationReceived = function (packet) {

//Triggered when retrieving list of read messages
vstack.onListModifiedMessagesReceived = function (packet) {

//Triggered when retrieving list of Unread messages
vstack.onListUnreadMessagesReceived = function (packet) {

//Triggered when you are a member in a newly created group (someone created group that have you as member)
vstack.onMakeGroupNotification = function (packet) {

//Triggered when another member is typing in this group
vstack.chat_group_typing_processor = function (service, body) {

//Triggered when someone is typing with current user
vstack.chat_typing_processor = function (service, body) {

//Triggered when someone invited another member in the group that you are currently a member
vstack.onInviteGroupNotification = function (packet) {

//Triggered when someone quit group
vstack.onLeaveGroupNotification = function (packet) {

//Triggered when group name is edited
vstack.onRenameGroupNotification = function (packet) {

//Triggered when conversation is deleted
vstack.onDeleteConversation = function (packet) {

//Triggered when message is seen
vstack.onSeenMessage = function (packet) {

//Triggered when all messages are seen
vstack.onSeenMessages = function (packet) {

//Triggered when list of message is deleted
vstack.onDeleteMessage = function (packet) {

//Triggered when get list of chat group
vstack.onListChatGroup = function (packet) {

//Triggered when group admin has been assigned to another member
vstack.onChatGroupChangeAdmin = function (packet) {

//Triggered when receiving list of files
vstack.onListFilesReceived = function (packet) {

//Triggered when user status is changed (background or foreground)
vstack.onApplicationChangeState = function (packet) {

//Triggered when broadcast is created
vstack.onBroadCastCreateList = function (packet) {

//Triggered when broadcast is edited
vstack.onBroadCastEditList = function (packet) {

//Triggered when receiving list of broadcast
vstack.onBroadCastGetList = function (packet) {

//Triggered when broadcast is sent
vstack.onMessageBroadCast = function(packet){

//Triggered when there is new message in broadcast
vstack.onHaveMessageBroadCast = function(packet){

//Triggered when broadcast is deleted
vstack.onChatBroadCastDeleteList = function(packet){

//Triggered when getting message from broadcast
vstack.onChatBroadCastGetMessages = function(packet){

//Triggered when joining channel
vstack.onChatGroupJoinPublic = function(packet){

//Triggered when receiving list of channel
vstack.onChatGroupGetListPublic = function(packet){

//Triggered when co cuoc goi video/voice
vstack.onInviteVideoCall = function(packet){

//Triggered when cuoc goi video/voice stop
vstack.onVideoCallStop = function(packet){

//Triggered when cuoc goi video/voice dang bat dau
vstack.onVideoCallConnecting = function(packet){

//Triggered when cuoc goi video/voice dang đổ chuông
vstack.onVideoCallRinging = function(packet){

//Triggered when cuoc goi video/voice bị từ chối
vstack.onVideoCallRejected = function(packet){

//Triggered when cuoc goi video/voice đã trả lời
vstack.onVideoCallAnswered = function(packet){

//Triggered when cuoc goi video/voice bận
vstack.onVideoCallBusy = function(packet){

//Triggered when cuoc goi video/voice không trả lời
vstack.onVideoCallNotAnswered = function(packet){

//Triggered when cuoc goi video/voice lỗi
vstack.onVideoCallError = function(packet){

//Triggered when cuoc goi video/voice load được video máy của mình
vstack.onVideoCallLocalVideoLoaded = function(){

//Triggered when cuoc goi video/voice load được video máy của người gọi mình
vstack.onVideoCallRemoteVideoLoaded = function(){

//Triggered when cuoc goi video/voice thiết bị khác trên tài khoản của mình bân
vstack.onVideoCallBusyByMe = function(packet) {

//Triggered when cuoc goi video/voice thiết bị khác trên tài khoản của mình trả lời
vstack.onVideoCallAnsweredByMe = function(packet) {

//Triggered when cuoc goi video/voice thiết bị khác trên tài khoản của mình từ chối
vstack.onVideoCallRejectedByMe = function(packet) {

//Triggered when cuoc goi video/voice thiết bị khác trên tài khoản của mình stop
vstack.onVideoCallStopByMe = function(packet) {

//Triggered when cuoc goi video/voice thiết bị khác trên tài khoản của mình không trả lời
vstack.onVideoCallNotAnsweredByMe = function(packet) {

//Triggered when cuoc goi video/voice thiết bị khác trên tài khoản của mình lỗi
vstack.onVideoCallErrorByMe = function(packet) {

5. connect:

Call this function to connect to VStack server and implement authentication process:

vstack.connect(azAppID, publicKey, VStackUserId, userCredentials, fullname);


azAppID: Your application ID, get this value from menu "Keys" at http://developer-vstack.vht.com.vn/

publicKey: RSA public key of your application, get this from menu "Keys" at http://developer-vstack.vht.com.vn/

VStackUserId: Unique ID for each user (string) in each application in VStack, which identify unique user in that application. ID can be mobile number, email, username, ...

userCredentials: can be password or token, ... This information will be forwarded by VStack to your server in authentication process.

fullname: Name (is used to send push notification to mobile when user is not online)

6. azGetListModifiedConversations:

Lấy danh sách conversation sau khi authen thành công:



lastUpdate: only get list of conversations that have change after [lastUpdate] (tính bằng miliseconds)

7. azGetListModifiedMessages:

Get list of message from 1 conversation:

vstack.azGetListModifiedMessages(lastUpdate, type, chatId);


lastUpdate: only get list of conversations that have change after [lastUpdate] (tính bằng miliseconds)

type: type = 1 (chat 1 - 1), type = 2 (chat group)

chatId: userId of user or Id of group

8. azGetListUnreadMessages:

Get list of unread message from 1 conversation:

vstack.azGetListUnreadMessages(type, chatId);


type: type = 1 (chat 1 - 1), type = 2 (chat group)

chatId: userId of user or Id of group

9. getUserInfoAndRequestToServer:

Get information from user by userId



chatId: userId of user

10. getUserInfoAndRequestToServerWithCallBack:

Get information of user by userId with callback

vstack.getUserInfoAndRequestToServerWithCallBack(userId, callback);


userId: userId of user

callback: after request to server and get user data, function will be called

11. getUserInfoByUsernameAndRequestToServer:

Get information of user by VStackUserID



VStackUserID: VStackUserID of user

12. getUserInfoByUsernameAndRequestToServerWithCallBack:

Get information of user by VStackUserID with callback

vstack.getUserInfoByUsernameAndRequestToServerWithCallBack(VStackUserID, callback);


VStackUserID: VStackUserID of user

callback: after request to server and get user data, function will be called

13. azSendMessage:

Send 1 message text chat 1 - 1

vstack.azSendMessage(msgContent, VStackUserID, msgId, callback);


msgContent: content of message

VStackUserID: VStackUserID of user who receive message

msgId: Id of message must be unique related to conversation and sender. Should be: currentMsgId++

callback: after request to server and get data, function will be called

14. azSendMessageFileUrl:

Send 1 message picture/audio/video/file chat 1 - 1

vstack.azSendMessageFileUrl(url, fileName, msgType, VStackUserID, msgId, fileLength, width, height, duration, callback);


url: file's path

fileName: file's name

msgType: msgType = 1 (Photo), msgType = 2 (Voice), msgType = 8 (File), msgType = 9 (Video)

VStackUserID: VStackUserID of user who receive message

msgId: Id of message, must be unique related to conversation and sender. Should be: currentMsgId++

fileLength: file size (kilobytes)

width: width of picture (photo message)

height: height of picture (photo message)

duration: thời gian của message (voice message)

callback: after request to server and get data, function will be called

15. azSendMessageSticker:

Send message sticker chat 1 - 1

vstack.azSendMessageSticker(VStackUserID, imgName, catId, msgId, url, width, height, callback);


VStackUserID: VStackUserID of user who receive chat message

imgName: name of sticker

catId: category of sticker

msgId: Id of message, must be unique related to conversation and sender. Should be: currentMsgId++

url: file path of sticker

width: width of sticker

height: height of sticker

callback: after request to server and get data, function will be called

16. azSendMessageGroup:

Send one message text chat group

vstack.azSendMessageGroup(msgContent, groupId, msgId, callback);


msgContent: content of message

groupId: groupId of group that receive message

msgId: Id of message, must be unique related to conversation and sender. Should be: currentMsgId++

callback: after request to server and get data, function will be called

17. azSendMessageFileUrlGroup:

Send one message ảnh/audio/video/file chat group

vstack.azSendMessageFileUrlGroup(groupId, msgId, url, msgType, fileName, fileLength, width, height, duration, callback);


groupId: groupId of group that receive message

msgId: Id of message, must be unique related to conversation and sender. Should be: currentMsgId++

url: file path of file

msgType: msgType = 1 (Photo), msgType = 2 (Voice), msgType = 8 (File), msgType = 9 (Video)

fileName: file name

fileLength: File size of file, (kilobytes)

width: width of picture, (photo message)

height: height of picture, (photo message)

duration: thời gian của message (voice message)

callback: after request to server and get data, function will be called

18. azSendMessageStickerGroup:

Send one message sticker chat group

vstack.azSendMessageStickerGroup(groupId, imgName, catId, msgId, url, width, height, callback);


groupId: groupId of group that receive message

imgName: name sticker

catId: category of sticker

msgId: Id of message, must be unique related to conversation and sender. Should be: currentMsgId++

url: file path of sticcker

width: width of sticker

height: height of sticker

callback: after request to server and get data, function will be called

19. azSendMessageReport:

Report that message has receive chat message 1 - 1

vstack.azSendMessageReport(toUserId, msgId);


toUserId: userId of sender

msgId: Id of message, must be unique related to conversation and sender. Should be: currentMsgId++

20. azSendMessageGroupReport:

Report message has receive chat group

vstack.azSendMessageGroupReport(group, msgId, msgSender);


group: Id of group

msgId: Id of message, must be unique related to conversation and sender. Should be: currentMsgId++

msgSender: userId of sender

21. azSendTyping:

Send typing status to 1 conversation

vstack.azSendTyping(type, chatId);


type: type = 1 (chat 1 - 1), type = 2 (chat group)

chatId: userId of user or Id of group

22. azMakeGroup:

Tạo 1 group

vstack.azMakeGroup(members, name, msgId, type, callback);


members: array userId of user is member in group

name: name of group

msgId: Id of message, must be unique related to conversation and sender. Should be: currentMsgId++

type: type = 0 (group private), type = 1 (group public / channel)

callback: after created group, this function will be triggered

23. azInviteToGroup:

Add members into group

vstack.azInviteToGroup(members, group, msgId, callback);


members: array of userId of user wanted to add into group

group: Id of group

msgId: Id of message, must be unique related to conversation and sender. Should be: currentMsgId++

callback: after add new members, this function will be triggered

24. azLeaveGroup:

Leave group/kick member of group

vstack.azLeaveGroup(leaveUser, group, msgId, callback);


leaveUser: userId of user wanted to leave group/kick member

group: Id of group

msgId: Id of message, must be unique related to conversation and sender. Should be: currentMsgId++

callback: after leave group/kick member, this function will be triggered

25. azRenameGroup:

Đổi name group

vstack.azRenameGroup(name, group, msgId, callback);


name: name group wanted to change

group: Id of group

msgId: Id of message, must be unique related to conversation and sender. Should be: currentMsgId++

callback: after change name group, this function will be triggered

26. azGetGroupInfo:

Get group information from server

vstack.azGetGroupInfo(groupId, callback);


groupId: Id of group

callback: after receive group information, this function will be triggered

27. azSeenMessage:

See 1 message

vstack.azSeenMessage(msgId, senderId, type, chatId);


msgId: Id of message, must be unique related to conversation and sender. Should be: currentMsgId++

senderId: userId of user saw message

type: type = 1 (chat 1 - 1), type = 2 (chat group)

chatId: userId of user or Id of group

28. azSeenMessages:

See list of message

vstack.azSeenMessages(chatId, type, lastMsgCreated, list);


chatId: userId of user or Id of group

type: type = 1 (chat 1 - 1), type = 2 (chat group)

lastMsgCreated: Time of latest seen message

list: list of message, example: [{msgId: msgId, sender: senderId}, ...]

29. disconnect:

Disconnect with vstack



30. azDeleteMessage:

Delete 1 message

vstack.azDeleteMessage(msgId, senderId, chatId, type, callback);


msgId: Id of message, must be unique related to conversation and sender. Should be: currentMsgId++

senderId: userId of user

type: type = 1 (chat 1 - 1), type = 2 (chat group)

chatId: userId of user or Id of group

callback: after delete message, this function will be triggered

31. azListChatGroup:

Get list of groups that user is joining



32. azListFiles:

Get list of files in all conversation



lastUpdate: Only get files that have updated after this time (miliseconds)

33. azChatGroupChangeAdmin:

Change admin to group

vstack.azChatGroupChangeAdmin(group, newAdmin, msgId);


group: Id of group

newAdmin: userId of user is going to be admin

msgId: Id of message, must be unique related to conversation and sender. Should be: currentMsgId++

34. azApplicationChangeState:

Change status of user (background or foreground)



state: state = 1 (background), state = 2 (foreground)

35. azChatBroadCastCreateList:

Create broadcast

vstack.azChatBroadCastCreateList(members, name);


members: array userId of users to be added in broadcast

name: name of broadcast

36. azChatBroadCastEditList:

Sửa broadcast

vstack.azChatBroadCastEditList(removeUsers, name, id, addUsers, msgId);


removeUsers: array userId of users to be deleted from broadcast

name: name of broadcast that want to change name (keep old name if dont want to change)

id: Id of broadcast

addUsers: array userId of users to be added into broadcast

msgId: Id of message, must be unique related to conversation and sender. Should be: currentMsgId++

37. azChatBroadCastGetList:

Sửa broadcast



lastUpdate: Only get broadcast with changes after this point (miliseconds)

38. azMessageBroadCast:

Send text message to broadcast

vstack.azMessageBroadCast(broadcast, msg, msgId, callback);


broadcast: Id of broadcast

msg: content of message

msgId: Id of message, must be unique related to conversation and sender. Should be: currentMsgId++

callback: after sent message, this function will be triggered

39. azMessageStickerBroadCast:

Send sticker message to broadcast

vstack.azMessageStickerBroadCast(broadcast, msgId, imgName, catId, url, width, height, callback);


broadcast: Id of broadcast

msgId: Id of message, must be unique related to conversation and sender. Should be: currentMsgId++

imgName: name sticker

catId: category of sticker

url: file path of sticker

width: width of sticker

height: height of sticker

callback: after sent message, this function will be triggered

40. azMessageFileBroadCast:

Send one message ảnh/audio/video/file chat broadcast

vstack.azMessageFileBroadCast(broadcast, msgId, type, url, fileName, fileLength, width, height, callback);


broadcast: Id of broadcast receive message

msgId: Id of message, must be unique related to conversation and sender. Should be: currentMsgId++

url: file path of file

msgType: msgType = 1 (Photo), msgType = 2 (Voice), msgType = 8 (File), msgType = 9 (Video)

fileName: file name

fileLength: File size of file, (kilobytes)

width: width of picture, (photo message)

height: height of picture, (photo message)

callback: after sent message, this function will be triggered

41. azChatBroadCastDeleteList:

Delete broadcast



broadcastId: Id of broadcast to be deleted

42. azChatBroadCastGetMessages:

Delete broadcast

vstack.azChatBroadCastGetMessages(broadcastId, lastUpdate);


broadcastId: Id of broadcast

lastUpdate: Only get messages with changes after this point (miliseconds)

43. azChatGroupJoinPublic:

Join public group/channel

vstack.azChatGroupJoinPublic(group, msgId);


group: Id of group/channel to be joined

msgId: Id of message, must be unique related to conversation and sender. Should be: currentMsgId++

44. azChatGroupGetListPublic:

Get list of public group/channel



45. azGetListModifiedConversationsPage:

Lấy danh sách conversation sau khi authen thành công theo page, option callback:

vstack.azGetListModifiedConversationsPage(page, lastCreated, callback);


page: Lấy danh sách theo page

lastCreated: only get list of conversations that have created after [lastCreated] (tính bằng miliseconds)

callback: after request to server and get user data, function will be called

46. azGetListModifiedMessagesPage:

Get list of message from 1 conversation theo page, option callback:

vstack.azGetListModifiedMessagesPage(page, lastCreated, type, chatId, callback);


page: Lấy danh sách theo page

lastCreated: only get list of messages that have created after [lastCreated] (tính bằng miliseconds)

type: type = 1 (chat 1 - 1), type = 2 (chat group)

chatId: userId of user or Id of group

callback: after request to server and get user data, function will be called

47. azGetListUnreadMessagesPage:

Get list of unread message from 1 conversation theo page, option callback:

vstack.azGetListUnreadMessagesPage(page, type, chatId, callback);


page: Lấy danh sách theo page

type: type = 1 (chat 1 - 1), type = 2 (chat group)

chatId: userId of user or Id of group

callback: after request to server and get user data, function will be called

48. azStartVideoCall:

Start a call to a user with option video or voice call:

vstack.azStartVideoCall(toChatId, callId, localVideoId, remoteVideoId, hasVideo);


toChatId: id của user cuộc gọi thực hiện đến

callId: 1 số độc nhất không lặp lại

localVideoId: id của thẻ video/audio hiện hình ảnh / tiếng nói của mình

remoteVideoId: id của thẻ video/audio hiện thị hình ảnh / tiếng nói của mục tiêu cuộc gọi hướng đến

hasVideo: true/false ứng với đây là cuộc gọi video/audio

49. azAcceptVideoCall:

Accept to anwser a call:

vstack.azAcceptVideoCall(fromChatId, callId, localVideoId, remoteVideoId, hasVideo);


fromChatId: id của user cuộc gọi thực hiện đến

callId: id của cuộc gọi nhận được trong event onInviteVideoCall

localVideoId: id của thẻ video/audio hiện hình ảnh / tiếng nói của mình

remoteVideoId: id của thẻ video/audio hiện thị hình ảnh / tiếng nói của mục tiêu thực hiện cuộc gọi

hasVideo: true/false ứng với đây là cuộc gọi video/audio, nhận được trong event onInviteVideoCall

50. azRejectVideoCall:

Reject to answer a call:

vstack.azRejectVideoCall(fromChatId, callId);


fromChatId: id của user cuộc gọi thực hiện đến

callId: id của cuộc gọi nhận được trong event onInviteVideoCall

51. azStopVideoCall:

Stop a call:

vstack.azStopVideoCall(fromChatId, callId);


fromChatId: id của user cuộc gọi thực hiện đến

callId: id của cuộc gọi nhận được trong event onInviteVideoCall

52. azNotAnsweredVideoCall:

Emit a call is not answered:

vstack.azNotAnsweredVideoCall(toChatId, callId);


toChatId: id của user cuộc gọi thực hiện đến

callId: id của cuộc gọi nhận được trong event onInviteVideoCall

53. toggleVideoState:

toggle local video with optional param state



state: true/false ứng với trạng thái video bật/tắt, nếu không có biến này, thay đổi trạng thái hiện tại của video tắt -> bật, bật -> tắt

54. toggleAudioState:

toggle local audio with optional param state



state: true/false ứng với trạng thái audio bật/tắt, nếu không có biến này, thay đổi trạng thái hiện tại của audio tắt -> bật, bật -> tắt

55. updateUserInfoWithCallBack:

cập nhật thông tin user theo userId có callback

vstack.updateUserInfoWithCallBack(userId, callback);


userId: user Id của user

callback: after request to server and get user data, function will be called

56. updateUserInfoByUsernameWithCallBack:

cập nhật thông tin user theo VStackUserID có callback

vstack.updateUserInfoByUsernameWithCallBack(VStackUserID, callback);


VStackUserID: VStackUserID của user

callback: after request to server and get user data, function will be called

57. azGetBroadcastInfo:

Get broadcast information from server

vstack.azGetBroadcastInfo(broadcastId, callback);


broadcastId: Id of broadcast

callback: after receive broadcast information, this function will be triggered

58. azLeaveGroupAndChangeAdmin:

Rời nhóm và đổi admin của nhóm

vstack.azLeaveGroupAndChangeAdmin(leaveUser, newAdmin, group, msgId, callback);


leaveUser: User id của người rời nhóm

newAdmin: User id của admin mới muốn chuyển đến

group: Id của group

msgId: Id of message, must be unique related to conversation and sender. Should be: currentMsgId++

callback: hàm thực hiện sau khi rời nhóm thành công

59. azChargingGetBalance:

Lấy thông tin balace của user



callback: hàm thực hiện sau có dữ liệu trả về

60. getUserInfoByListUsernameAndRequestToServerWithCallBack:

Get information of user by list VStackUserID with callback

vstack.getUserInfoByListUsernameAndRequestToServerWithCallBack(listVStackUserID, callback);


listVStackUserID: listVStackUserID of user

callback: after request to server and get user data, function will be called

61. getUserInfoByListUsernameAndRequestToServer:

Get information of user by list VStackUserID



listVStackUserID: listVStackUserID of user

62. updateUserInfoByListUsernameWithCallBack:

cập nhật thông tin user theo list VStackUserID có callback

vstack.updateUserInfoByListUsernameWithCallBack(listVStackUserID, callback);


listVStackUserID: listVStackUserID của user

callback: after request to server and get user data, function will be called

63. azSendMessageLocation:

Send 1 message location chat 1 - 1

vstack.azSendMessageLocation(long, lat, addr, VStackUserID, msgId, callback);


long: địa chỉ long của location

lat: địa chỉ lat của location

addr: địa chỉ của location

VStackUserID: VStackUserID of user who receive message

msgId: Id of message must be unique related to conversation and sender. Should be: currentMsgId++

callback: after request to server and get data, function will be called

64. azSendMessageLocationGroup:

Send 1 message location chat group

vstack.azSendMessageLocationGroup(groupId, groupName, long, lat, addr, msgId, callback);


groupId: id của group

groupName: tên của group

long: địa chỉ long của location

lat: địa chỉ lat của location

addr: địa chỉ của location

msgId: Id of message must be unique related to conversation and sender. Should be: currentMsgId++

callback: after request to server and get data, function will be called