
SAP Sybase ASE Database driver for Erlang

Primary LanguageErlangMIT LicenseMIT


Erlang driver and Ecto adapter for Sybase ASE Database


Adapter options split in different categories described below. All options can be given via the repository configuration:

config :your_app, YourApp.Repo,

Connection options

  • :hostname - Server hostname (Name or IP address of the database server)
  • :port - Server port (Number of the port where the server listens for requests)
  • :database - Database (Database name)
  • :username - Username (Name for the connecting user)
  • :password - User password (Password for the connecting user)
  • :parameters - Keyword list of connection parameters
  • :socket_options - Options to be given to the underlying socket
  • :timeout - The default timeout to use on queries, defaults to 15000

Pool options

  • :pool - The connection pool module, defaults to DBConnection.ConnectionPool
  • :pool_size - The size of the pool, defaults to 1
  • :idle_interval - The ping interval to validate an idle connection, defaults to 5000

Input parameters

Using query options: [in: [:numeric, :binary]]

Sybase types Literal syntax in params
bigint,int,smallint,tinyint :int, :integer
numeric, decimal :numeric, :decimal
float, double :float, :double
char, varchar, univarchar :varchar, :char, :string
nchar, nvarchar :nvarchar, :nchar
text, unitext, image :text, :clob
binary, varbinary :binary
long binary, long varchar :long
money, smallmoney :money
datetime, smalldatetime :datetime
date :date
time :time
bit :bit


iex> Ecto.Adapters.SQL.query(YourApp.Repo, "select 1/10, getdate(), newid()", [])
{:ok, %{num_rows: 1, rows: [[0, ~N[2016-08-01 13:14:15], "84be3f476ce14052aed69dbfa57cdd43"]]}}

iex> bin = %Ecto.Query.Tagged{value: <<0xE7,0x99,0xBE>>, type: :binary}
iex> Ecto.Adapters.SQL.query(YourApp.Repo, "insert into tabl values (:1)", [bin])

iex> bin = <<0xE7,0x99,0xBE>>
iex> Ecto.Adapters.SQL.query(YourApp.Repo, "insert into tabl values (:1)", [bin]], [in: [:binary]])