#String Handling Practice by Using String, StringBuilder and StringBuffer

  1. WAP to print any given inputString in following format.

    index:  0    1   2   3   4   
    chars:  H    e   l   l   o
    Every character is seprated by tab, use "\t" for inserting tab.
  2. WAP to print substring of a given inputString by using String substring(int index). Accept inputString and index from user.

  3. WAP to accept inputString from user and replace all the vowels by *, by using String replace(char oldChar, char newChar).

      String s1 = "vaibhav";
      s1 = s1.replace('a','*');
  4. Modify the above program so that:

    1. first occurred vowel will be replaced by *.
    2. Second occurred vowel will be replaced by ^.
    3. Third occurred vowel will be replaced by !.

    repeat the above process for all occurred vowels.

  5. WAP to replace all the occurrence of given subString from the inputString. --- (search library function for the task from the java docs by using the link [https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/13/docs/api/java.base/java/lang/String.html]).

  6. WAP to change case of given inputString to uppercase by using String toUpperCase().

  7. WAP to print the totalWeight of given inputString.

      totalWeight can be calculate by adding *ASCII* value of all the characters.
              for example:
              inputString = "Abc";
              totalWeight = 65 + 98 + 99;
              where ASCII values:
                  A --> 65
                  b --> 98
                  c --> 99
  8. WAP to print UpperWeight of given inputString. UpperWeight can be find by adding all the upper case characters of the inputString.

  9. WAP to print AbsoluteWeight of given inputString. Absolute weigth can be calulated as:

      absoluteWeight = UpperWeight - LowerWeight;
      1. absoluteWeight will always be a positive value.
      2. LowerWeight can be find by adding all the lower case characters of the inputString.
  10. WAP to print index of given character ch from inputString.

         char ch = 'a';
         String inputString = "vaibhav";
  11. WAP to print all the index in newline of given character ch form the inputString.

     char ch = 'a';
     String inputString = "vaibhav";