This is the first project of the CAS FEE 2019. The conditions where to use no frameworks and few libraries (mostly templating).
- No SPA framework was allowed (vue, react, angular)
- No design framework was allowed (bootstrap, material)
- A templating library had to be used (handlebars)
To run the project locally you need to use at least version v12.1.0. The older versions might not be supported (the Code does not yet run with lts/dubnium v10.15.x)
To run it locally you have to install the depnedencies first with the following command:
npm ci
After that, you can start the porject with
npm start
It will then open a server which can be accesed with http://localhost:3000
You can test it online here: - it does not have authentication yet and all messages are visible for anyone. Please don't write nasty messages :)
Here is an overview of where to find what, unimportant stuff ommited for brevity.
- root
- controller: Backend controller
- model: Backend model (Todo model and Todo repository/model)
- public: Frontend assets
- bl: Business layer (model)
- dl: Data layer (persistence, repsotiory)
- services: Misc services (but only http for the moment)
- ui: Frontend controllers
- The stylesheets and HTML files are also in this directory
- routes: Backend routes
- app.js: Bootstrapping code
- moments.js
- handlebars
- express
- nedb
- google material icons
Here I collect some non-technical general points or todos with regards to my project1-experience.
- I have not that much experience in structuring CSS code, I don't have a system to organize it,
- I started early with the "application" code but put of the styling until later. It took a lot of time and I'm not happy with it. I tried to mimick the material design guidelines but it doesn't look as smooth as the original. So I think I'll have to invest more time thinkering around with the visual design aspects.
- Web Application design and Webdesign (for "brochure" websites) are different things
- Use kebab-case insead of CamelCase for filenames
- Refactoring
so the class has a single responsibility. At the moment it's a model but it also does validation.- On the bright side: at least it has validation
- Maybe making it compatible with older node versions (.mjs extension for module loading).
- No datepicker used yet, it's all browser-default
- Browser testing (tested only in firefox and chrome)
- This was more of a pipe-dream: I wanted to add a HSR themed style. Didn't happen for time-reasons.
- At the moment the store has a hard dependency on nedb, this could be abstracted so that mongodb could be used.
- My MVC design was mostly on point. Surprised the heck out of me.
- I startet early so I didn't have to do a death-march at the end