
a fucking cool sass grid. maybe. maybe not.

Primary LanguageCSS

straight outta sass


a fucking cool sass grid. maybe. maybe not.


  • small footprint (~13kB minified)
  • mobile first
  • grid- and size-classes are configurable
  • responsive
  • low-specifity selectors
  • fractions are toggable/configurable (eg. desktop-1-1 or desktop-1-of-1)
  • equal height columns (via class)
  • reversible (via class)
  • gutterless (via class)
  • animations (turned off by default)
  • push- and pull-classes
  • debug log (toggable)
  • gulp task runner

browser support

  • IE >= 9 (8 is supported in general by the grid but equal heights won't work)
  • all other modern browsers you shouldn't care about