
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Environment variables

Each environment has its own .env file. Check the .env.sample file for the required environment variables and its description.

Connector Packages

Required for the set-authub command.
Auth Hub requires the connector package to be uploaded with the configuration. This app tries to find the connector package in the src folder, in the dist subfolder. If the connector package is not found, the app will throw an error.


The app can read and write the backoffice configurations as well as the Auth Hub configurations. The list action is one of the batch operations for which the local sources (determined by the SRC_PATH environment variable) identify the services available for execution.

Running the app

set the NODE_ENV env variable to select which environment to run the app for.
for instance NODE_ENV=qa node index.js will run the app for the qa environment.

example NODE_ENV=qa node index.js list -b will list the available services for the qa environment and store the configurations to the local keys (/connetors folder by default).