Every thing es6 based off of laracast tutorials.
- Babel Setup
- A basic Babel CLI set up
- Es6
- A summary of es6 concepts
- src
- A directory of es6 conept demos
- Es6_Variables.js
- var, let, and const
- Es6_Arrows.js
- => syntax vs function keywords
- Es6_DefaultParameters.js
- default parameter values
- Es6_RestAndSpread.js
- ... syntax
- Es6_TemplateStrings.js
- Template literals and the ${} syntax
- Es6_ObjectEnhancements.js
- Object and method shorthand
- Object destructuring
- Es6_Classes.js
- class syntax
- static methods
- static methods with rest operator
- anonymous class invocations
- Strategy sdesign patterns in classes
Babel compiles ES6 files inside the src/ directory into ES5 inside the lib/ directory.
To build run:
npm run build
To run the files in the browser, add the following to index.html :
<script src="lib/<file_name>.js">