V.T. Cooper, Univ of Washington, 29 Sep 2021 ----------- Analysis supporting Cooper, Roach, Thomson, Brenner, Smith, and Bitz (2021). Processes hourly coupling version of Roach et al. 2019 model. NSIDC/NOAA Sea Ice Concentration and in situ observations from BGOS and SODA, supplemented by Arctic Sea State SWIFT buoys, all from the Beaufort Sea. For the paper, the jgr_*.ipynb notebooks have the preprocessing and analysis to support all figures in paper. Chronology of scratch analysis: waveice_analysis.ipynb, then wave_ice_analysis_2021_pub.ipynb are the main notebooks. The latter was cleaned up to become jgr_waveice_analysis.ipynb. waveice_climatology.ipynb was used to output climatology of model results and waveice_coupled_2021.ipynb was used to preprocess the new hourly run. model_dev_analysis.ipynb is separately used to explore new experiments. The convert-mat* files were used to preprocess the original .mat data from APL team. Some misc. interim outputs are saved here to save time when running analysis notebook.