
Nodejs with Babel ES6+

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Deploy nodejs to heroku with Babel to support ES6+


  1. Docker official: https://docs.docker.com/get-started/part2/#sample-dockerfile
  2. Docker cheat sheet: https://devhints.io/docker
  3. Docker-compose cheat sheet: https://devhints.io/docker-compose

How to run

  1. Build nodejs app image docker build -t xxx/nodeapp:1.0 .
  2. Run image as a container: docker container run -p 3000:3033 --name helloworld -d xxx/nodeapp:1.0
  3. Pass environment variable “name” with the -e option: docker container run -p 3001:3033 --name customized -e "name=kazan" -d xxx/nodeapp:1.0
  4. Build nginx image: docker build -t xxx/nginxbalancer:1.0 .
  5. Start container nginx based on above image: docker container run -p 3033:80 -d vtdthang/nginxbalancer:1.0

Push image to registry

  1. docker image push xxx/swarm_balancer:1.0 with "xxx" is username docker hub

Deploy Swarm our stack of services with docker stack

  1. Deploy docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml swarmnodeapp