- 1
./ fails
#118 opened by chinmaymahajan9998 - 1
Migrate away from Travis CI
#117 opened by vterron - 2
Issues with photometry when using a file with coordinates of selected stars in the field
#113 opened by Marioyarce - 2
Migrate to Python 3
#114 opened by vterron - 2
Clean up references to IAA-CSIC
#111 opened by vterron - 2
Airmass and extra information from
#101 opened by aaegea - 7 not solving
#97 opened by sengle01 - 5
Lemon VM distribution
#66 opened by dokeeffe - 7
Astrometry Error
#93 opened by aaegea - 2
Juicer: ImportError: No module named _backend_gdk
#94 opened by aaegea - 2
How to cross databases?
#91 opened by jorgegocre - 3
- 3
Install Lemon with Ubuntu 15.10
#67 opened by jorgegocre - 5
- 2 fiddling and failing
#89 opened by sengle01 - 3
- 1
barring the source of interest while doing differential photometry on comparison stars
#80 opened by sameeresque - 7
- 5
ConfigParser.ParsingError: File contains parsing errors: /home/usc/oa/jgc/.lemonrc
#65 opened by jorgegocre - 20
mosaic — montage_wrapper.status.MontageError: mConvert: error reading from FITS file
#60 opened by EFalco - 4
- 3
Add support for Barycentric Julian Date
#108 opened by vterron - 1
Replace IRAF with photutils
#59 opened by wschoenell - 0
- 1
Annihilate the `annuli` command
#86 opened by vterron - 4
- 1
Lemon on fedora
#106 opened by azim7091 - 4
Negative/Oversize Queue Size
#102 opened by dchecks - 1
LEMON is not available in
#99 opened by juandesant - 1
./ failed
#98 opened by hlabathems - 1
Installation , nr 46
#92 opened by stpstp - 4
Cousin filters addition to filters list
#81 opened by paramoreta - 3
SDSS Filters unsupported
#90 opened by cdilga - 5
Annuli not working
#85 opened by wschoenell - 2
Temp Folder Location
#87 opened by sengle01 - 16
WCS — KeyError: u"Keyword 'A_0_0' not found."
#82 opened by paramoreta - 2
Weight maps, SExtractor and Qphot ?
#83 opened by hbouy - 2
Open database without juicer
#84 opened by hbouy - 1
- 8
Export LEMON database using the command line
#74 opened by sameeresque - 1
- 5
mosaic does not recognize WCS header?
#64 opened by ubutnux - 5
Problem with montage
#71 opened by sameeresque - 3
- 2
Astronomy fails to create any file
#70 opened by sameeresque - 2
- 5
juicer — Illegal instruction
#63 opened by EFalco - 30
QPhotTest.test_qphot_run() failing on 32-bit IRAF
#57 opened by TGroner - 4
"Sloanr" filter unrecognition
#58 opened by paramoreta - 3
AttributeError: test_init (test.test_fitsimage.FITSImageTest) — PyFITS > 3.2
#56 opened by jorgegocre