
UI component to handle phone number input formatting and validation

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Phone Field

Phone Field is a VTEX IO app that handles formatting and validation of phone numbers. It includes an UI component that renders a text field with a listbox that contains the flag of the country and the respective country calling code.

component screenshot USA

component screenshot Brazil


To use this app, you first need to add it in your manifest.json file, like so

  "dependencies": {
    "vtex.phone-field": "0.x"

If you are developing in TypeScript, you may also want to run vtex setup after the step above

Then, you can import the phone context and field components and use it inside your forms:

import React from 'react'
import { PhoneField, PhoneContext, rules } from 'vtex.phone-field'

const Form = () => {
  const [phone, setPhone] = React.useState('+15554567038')

  const handlePhoneChange = React.useCallback(({ value, isValid }) => {
    // you can use the `isValid` variable to show some error message
  }, [])

  return (
      <PhoneContext.PhoneContextProvider rules={rules}>
          label="Phone number"

You might be wondering, what is that rules variable? And there is a few reasons that it and the phone context exists.

The rules variable includes all default rules that exist inside the vtex.phone-field app, but the PhoneField component isn't limited to them. A rule is a definition of the format (mask) of the phone number, alongside it's country ISO alpha-3 code and country calling code. This is used by the component to mask the number correctly and also do the validations.

The phone context exists so we can decouple the rules definition of the component itself. If you ever want to include a rule that our app doesn't natively support yet, you can pass it to the rules prop of the PhoneContextProvider component. If you have any problems with that, please open an issue!

The country flags are all inside the app for now, and the PhoneField component is rendering them based on the country ISO of the rule. For example, given the following rule:

const rule = {
  countryISO: 'BRA',
  countryCode: '55',
  mask: '(99) 9 9999-9999',

The component will look for a flag named BRA.svg inside the react/icons folder of the app and render it. If the component doesn't find the flag of the country, it will use a default gray flag as a placeholder.



Responsible for rendering the listbox with the text field and formatting and validating the phone number.


The PhoneField component also accepts all props of Styleguide's Input, except for the value and onChange, which are redefined by this component.

Prop name type Required
value string true
onChange func true
defaultCountry string false
PhoneField value

value: string

The phone field value. Can include the country calling code. E.g.: +15554567038, +55999998888

PhoneField onChange

onChange: (data: { value: string; isValid: boolean }) => void

Callback to trigger the change of phone value. Can be triggered by either typing on the text field or by changing the country from the listbox.

PhoneField defaultCountry

defaultCountry?: string

The default country to show in the listbox. Used only when the phone number passed in value doesn't have a country calling code or if we don't have a value at all.


The wrapper component for the phone number that provides the rules definitions.


Prop name type Required
rules array true
PhoneContext rules

rules: Array<{ countryISO: string; countryCode: string; mask?: string }>

The rules definitions used by the <PhoneField /> component.