
LaTeX author support for the NESS society journal NEJSDS

Primary LanguageTeX

LaTeX author support for the NESS society journal The New England Journal of Statistics in Data Science (NEJSDS)

Table of Contents


Author support service provides LaTeX style file and *.tex file template designed for NESS society journal The New England Journal of Statistics in Data Science (NEJSDS) articles.

Package content

The following files are given in the repository (or directly in *.zip archive):

  • nejsds.cls - LaTeX style file. Please do not change it. This file is already loaded in the respective template files;
  • nessart-number.bst - suggested BibTeX1 related bibliography style. If your bibliography is structured in BibTeX format, loading your *.bib file and one of provided BibTeX styles allows you to get the final format of the bibliography.
  • nejsds_template.tex - topmatter template (should be used for article preparation);
  • nejsds_sample.tex - journal sample article;
  • nejsds_sample.pdf - journal sample article (PDF file);


  • Clone the repository or download the *.zip archive. Rename the package to <your-project-name>.
  • Install nejsds.cls, nessart-number.bst in your TeX system (suggested directory: nejsds).
  • Use the file nejsds_template.tex to start your article as a template.
  • Use the file nejsds_sample.tex as a reference for how to prepare a topmatter of your article.

Recommended usage of nejsds package

Use nejsds_template.tex as a template.


nejsds.cls file loads flushend.sty and stfloats.sty from sttools package. Please make sure that your TeX system has the latest version of this package.

Document class options

If you see that some space in the lastpage balanced column is missing you can try to add \atColsBreak{\pagediscards} which should restore discarded material in original break poin. Or you can remove flushend with option noflushend and balance last column manualy. For bibliography references output and citations a natbib package is loaded by default with the following options:


It provides numbered citations.

In case author-year citation is required, provide the authoryear option:


All natbib package options can be provided in this way.

In case some other bibliography package is used which is not compatible with natbib package, one can disable the latter with the option nonatbib:


LaTeX document preamble content

The preamble of your LaTeX document should look like this:





        \thankstext[id=T1]{Footnote to the title with the `thankstext' command.}

            \author{\inits{F.}\fnms{First} \snm{Author}\thanksref{c1}\ead[label=e1]{first@somewhere.com}}
            \thankstext[type=corresp,id=c1]{Corresponding author.}
            \address{Address of the First Author\\
            \author{\inits{S.}\fnms{Second} \snm{Author}\thanksref{t2}\ead[label=e2]{second@somewhere.com}}
            \address{Address of the Second Author\\
            \author{\inits{T.~N.}\fnms{Third Name} \snm{Author}
            \address{Address of the Third Author\\
            \thankstext[id=t2]{Footnote to the first author with the `thankstext' command.}


        \begin{keyword}[class=AMS]  % please indicate appropriate AMS codes
            \kwd[Primary ]{00K00}
            \kwd[; secondary ]{00K02}




    Your publication content



  • Labels T1, t2 are used for thanks;
  • thanks text type=corresp marks corresponding author;
  • Labels e1, e2, e3, u1 are used to print electronic addresses. hyperref package is loaded in the class so they will be made into hyperlinks;


Submit one single file as a ZIP archive. Pack your root folder <your-project-name> with files and subfolders.

Bug reports

Please submit bug report or feature requests at github page.


  1. The following link provides information about BibTeX usage: http://www.bibtex.org/Using/.