
Simple yet mighty PHP template engine for CodeIgniter Framework based on H2O

Primary LanguagePHP

Hydrant Template Engine

Hydrant is a template class for CodeIgniter 2 PHP framework based on [http://www.h2o-template.org](H2O Template Engine) a cross-platform component available for both PHP and Ruby/Rails, inspired by Django Templates. This makes your templates more portable and increase the value of your know-how.


Library version

  • Clone this repo or download it as ZIP archive.
  • Copy content of the libraries folder in your application/libraries folder
  • Copy config/hydrant.php in your application/config folder

You're done, load Hydrant as usual:


BEWARE: Hydrant will need working CI2 Cache driver. It will load it automagically but you could want to make sure your caching is properly configured in your application config files.

Spark version

  • Install spark as usual with something like

    $ php tools/spark install hydrant

Done! Load Hydrant in your code with:



You could use Hydrant in two ways. One is via the library itself, the other is using a custom CI2 loader that allows you to stick to good old $this->load->view() syntax.

Using Hydrant directly

Easypeasy, you could use $this->hydrant->render() method that works pretty much like $this->load->view(), taking three parameters:

  1. Full template file name (String)
  2. Data to pass to template (Associative array)
  3. Wether to show output or return it in a variable (Boolean, Optional): passing TRUE will return rendered template instead of showing it


  $data['title']   = 'My nice title';
  $data['content'] = 'Goodbye World!'; // never had a bad day? :P

  $this->hydrant->render('bye.tpl.html', $data);
  $useless_var = $this->hydrant->render('useless_bye.tpl.html', $data, TRUE);

Using Hydrant with custom CI2 Loader

To enable this feature you have to put a custom version of CI Loader in place. You could find the custom loader in extras directory in your spark path.

BEWARE: Your brain must be involved in subsequent steps, don't blame me if you screw something up copying and pasting as hell!

In extras directory you'll find two Loader files:

  • MY_Loader.php.Library
  • MY_Loader.php.Sparks

If you are using Hydrant as a library, odds are good that no custom loader file is in place in your application/core directory. In that case you could copy and paste safely MY_Loader.php.Library file in mentioned directory renaming it just MY_Loader.php.

If you're using Hydrant Spark, it means that a MY_Loader.php file is already there (at least in CodeIgniter 2.0.3 and below, 2.1 should get rid of it integrating Sparks natively, but as I'm writing this, 2.1 has not yet released). If so, you have two choices:

  • Unsafe: you could try your luck overwriting current MY_Loader.php with MY_Loader.php.Sparks that is basically an already merged version of Sparks loader (done by hand by me based on the last version available of Sparks Loader, at the time of writing).
  • Safe: open MY_Loader.php.Library, and manually copy/paste the view() method into your current custom loader, so that it doesn't conflict with the code already in place.

In both cases (Spark or Library), you could happen to have a custom loader already in place, so please turn your brain on and Search your feelings! (cit.)

Once you're done with the above, you'll be happy to use $this->load->view() for both Hydrant templates and standard CI views.


With a simple naming convention. Save your Hydrant templates as .htpl files and use

  $this->load->view('mytemplate.htpl', $my_data);

The loader will spot the htpl extension and use the right renderer engine (one exclude the other entirely, so don't mix PHP and H2O code in the same view!).

What if I have .htpl.php views files already in production?

First of all, let me tell you that there should be something wrong with you! :D Then, open an issue and I'll address it in next releases. Pull requests are even more appreciated!

How to write templates

So far, you could refer to [https://github.com/speedmax/h2o-php/wiki](H2O Documentation) to learn about writing templates. Since Hydrant is basically a wrapper for H2O, I'll strive to maintain it up-to-date and copying and pasting docs is not worth the effort.

Extra boons (not yet documented)

  • Using Hydrant with Rope: TBD
  • H2O and CI2 i18n integration: TBD